Friday, July 31, 2020

Sargeant Families Blog - August 3rd-7th

Hello Sargeant Families!  We are quickly approaching the first day of school and are excited to begin the new school year.  This blog has a lot of important information.  Please take time to read through it.  

Starting August 10th teachers will be teaching your children virtually.  Unlike the Spring, the day will follow a typical school day schedule like they were on campus.  This will include teaching live lessons to the whole group and working with small groups, just like students would do in the physical classroom.  Students will also have live time with PE, Music and Spanish.  Spanish will start at a later date in September as Mrs. Neira is on maternity leave with her new baby. School will start at 8:50 and there will be times for recess and lunch.  Your child's teacher will share the schedule with you in Otus, the new learning management system. 

Along with the live instruction there will be independent work that would mirror the practice work your child would normally do in the classroom setting that connects with what was taught.  There will also be some videos to watch as the whole school day will not be live.  The independent practice will be a combination of work on the Chromebook and on paper as we don't want them staring at a screen all day.  Since work will be done on the computer, it is recommended that if you didn't get a Chromebook in the spring, that you pick up one now.  

This new schedule is something the kids haven't done in a while.  It would be helpful to start making sure kids start getting to bed at a decent time, waking up and getting ready for the day.  I know my two boys need to start practicing. :)

Thank you, 
Principal Peck 

More information will be coming from the district office about Otus and how to log in.  This will be where you find out who your chid's teacher is on August 4th.  Look for emails on Monday or Tuesday next week.  It will be new learning at first but once your child learns to navigate, it will make these much easier to access that the past.  

Instructional Material and Chromebook Pick Up Day - Saturday, August 8th 
The materials your children need for the beginning of the school year will be ready for pick up on Saturday, August 8th.  The times below are an attempt to separate the amount of people coming at one time.  If you have two children, you can pick up at either time.  If your time doesn't work for you, please come at any time for 9:00-1:00.  

We ask that you wear a mask and practice social distancing when getting the materials.  It's also recommended that only one person show up to pick up the items.  

9:00-10:00   TK and Kinder

10:00-10:45   1st Grade

10:45-11:30   2nd Grade 

11:30-12:15   3rd Grade 

12:15-1:00   4th and 5th Grade

At material pick up day, we will also have Chromebooks available to check out for those that didn't get one during the spring.  You will need to have a photo ID and be on the child's emergency list.  You will need to fill out the loaner agreement when you get the Chromebook.  Please review it here and we will have forms on site to fill out and sign.  In order for us to prepare and get an idea of how many Chromebooks will be needed, please fill out this Google Form if you plan to pick up a Chromebook for your child or children.  Please submit one for each child.  Chromebooks can only be picked up on this date for students who attend Sargeant. 

Supply Lists 
As we start of the year with distance learning, the teachers have created a list of supplies that would be helpful to have at home.  They are all linked below.  

One of the items on some of the lists is a whiteboard.  If a whiteboard is on your list, we will have them in your child's bag on pick up day.  It will be something we use while in school which is a sheet protector with white paper inside.  

When thinking about their supplies and work at home, one recommendation is to have a space in the house/apartment for your child to work daily.  This would be where he/she keeps their supplies and Chromebook. 

Dates to Mark on Your Calendar

August 3rd-6th

Parents of 3rd-5th graders who have a Samsung Chromebook checked out to them need to stop by the office to swap it (an email was sent today with more information to the specific families). 

August 3rd 

- Email coming with a video message from Mrs. Peck about this school year, Otus management system, Back to School Night (virtual) and Material Pick Up

August 4th

- Information about how to log into Otus and see your child's teacher

August 7th

- Back to School Night Video available at 4:00 in Otus

August 8th 

- Material and Chromebook Pick Up 

August 10th

First day of school!!!  Can't wait to see the pictures! (It is still a PLC schedule so school will end at 2:00.)

The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept

Friday, July 24, 2020

Sargeant Families Blog - July 27th - July 31st

Hello Sargeant Families,

Hope you are all doing well!

I have missed our kids like crazy and am excited to see them even if it is virtually.  I know that the beginning of the year causes mixed feelings and opinions for everyone.  I think it's important for all of us to start out as positive as we can be to support the children (and adults) in our lives.  I know that every family is different, but I wanted to share with you what I am still doing as a mom: I am still letting my boys get a new outfit for back to school, I am buying supplies and setting up their workspace at home, and I am definitely making them take first day pictures. :) I want them to be excited and make the best of this crazy time we are all experiencing.

I am starting the weekly blog today and will be continuing each Friday.  This will be a chance for me to share information with you as we prepare for the beginning of the school year.

As you may have seen in recent information from the school district, the first day of school is now August 10th.  This will allow two extra days for professional development and preparation.  These two extra days are days that were going to be used later in the year for professional development and were moved to earlier.  During this time teachers will learn about the Otus learning management system that will help streamline assignments and communication.  They will also be able to work with their grade level to prepare for lessons and activities.

I am looking forward to starting the year with our amazing staff, students and families!

Take care,
Principal Peck

School Office
The office will be open starting Monday, July 27th.  If you need something please call 916-771-1800 or stop by.  If you are stopping by, please make sure to follow social distancing protocols and wear a mask.  We appreciate it!

School Supplies 
When we left last May, we didn't know what the year would look like so the supply lists need to be updated.  We will have them updated by the end of next week and will share them on the blog and school web site.  If you try to access them now on the web site, it will state you do not have access.

School Day
Information will be coming next week about what a typical school day/week will look like for students.  It will include live instruction, whole class, small groups, and independent work on and off the Chromebook.  The schedule will mirror the school day where students will be engaged with their classroom teacher as well as music, PE, and Spanish.  Mrs. Neira, our Spanish teacher, will start the year on maternity leave therefore Spanish will start when she returns in September.

The district was able to secure more Chromebooks for our students.  Information will be sent out in the next week or two about Chromebook pick up if one is needed for your child.

The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept

¡Hola, familias sargentas!

¡Espero que todos estén bien!

He extrañado a nuestros hijos como locos y estoy emocionado de verlos, incluso si es virtualmente. Sé que el comienzo del año causa sentimientos y opiniones mixtas para todos. Creo que es importante para todos nosotros comenzar lo más positivo posible para apoyar a los niños (y adultos) en nuestras vidas. Sé que cada familia es diferente, pero quería compartir con ustedes lo que todavía estoy haciendo como madre: todavía estoy dejando que mis hijos obtengan un nuevo atuendo para el regreso a la escuela, estoy comprando suministros y estableciendo su espacio de trabajo en casa , y definitivamente les estoy haciendo tomar fotos el primer día. :) Quiero que se emocionen y aprovechen al máximo este tiempo loco que todos estamos viviendo.

Hoy comienzo el blog semanal y continuaré cada viernes. Esta será una oportunidad para mí compartir información con ustedes mientras nos preparamos para el comienzo del año escolar.

Como puede haber visto en información reciente del distrito escolar, el primer día de clases es ahora el 10 de agosto. Esto permitirá dos días adicionales para el desarrollo profesional y la preparación. Estos dos días adicionales son días que se utilizarían más adelante en el año para el desarrollo profesional y se trasladaron a otros. Durante este tiempo, los maestros aprenderán sobre el sistema de gestión de aprendizaje Otus que ayudará a simplificar las tareas y la comunicación. También podrán trabajar con su nivel de grado para prepararse para las lecciones y actividades.

¡Espero comenzar el año con nuestro increíble personal, estudiantes y familias!


Director Peck

Oficina escolar
La oficina estará abierta a partir del lunes 27 de julio. Si necesita algo, llame al 916-771-1800 o pase por aquí. Si se detiene, asegúrese de seguir los protocolos de distanciamiento social y usar una máscara. ¡Lo apreciamos!

Suministros escolares
Cuando nos fuimos en mayo pasado, no sabíamos cómo sería el año, por lo que las listas de suministros deben actualizarse. Los tendremos actualizados a fines de la próxima semana y los compartiremos en el blog y en el sitio web de la escuela. Si intenta acceder a ellos ahora en el sitio web, indicará que no tiene acceso.

Día de escuela
La próxima semana llegará información sobre cómo será un día / semana escolar típico para los estudiantes. Incluirá instrucción en vivo, clase completa, grupos pequeños y trabajo independiente dentro y fuera del Chromebook. El horario reflejará el día escolar donde los estudiantes se involucrarán con su maestro de clase, así como música, educación física y español. La Sra. Neira, nuestra maestra de español, comenzará el año con licencia de maternidad, por lo tanto, el español comenzará cuando regrese en septiembre.

El distrito pudo asegurar más Chromebooks para nuestros estudiantes. Se enviará información en la próxima semana o dos sobre la recogida de Chromebook si es necesario para su hijo.

La Junta de Gobierno se compromete a proporcionar igualdad de oportunidades para todas las personas en educación. Los programas, actividades y prácticas del distrito estarán libres de discriminación ilegal, incluida la discriminación contra un individuo o grupo por motivos de raza, color, ascendencia, nacionalidad, origen nacional, identificación del grupo étnico, edad, religión, estado civil, embarazo o estado parental, discapacidad física o mental, sexo, orientación sexual, género, identidad o expresión de género, o información genética; una percepción

May 27th-30th - Community Connection Blog

  May 27th-30th Minimum days this week.   TK Dismissal: 12:47 PM Kindergarten Dismissal: 12:42 PM 1st - 5th Grade Dismissal: 12:52 Monday, M...