Dear Sargeant Families,It is with a heavy heart that we mourn the loss of a previous RCSD student, Sgt. Nicole Gee who served our country. Gee was a maintenance technician with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit and was killed in the Kabul Airport bombing on August 28th. She attended Sargeant, Eich, and Oakmont. We have teachers who taught this lovely young lady when she was a student. We are providing support to those affected by her passing. Thank you for your support also.
PTC will be holding its first meeting of the school year on Wednesday, September 1st at 7:00 pm. All parent/guardians are welcome. The meeting location is just beyond the school office in the covered picnic area. Meet the PTC Board and our amazing parents that are leading events and programs this year. We will also have time to socialize and ask questions. Volunteer signup sheets for specific programs and events will be available. *Please come at 6:30 if you are available to help assemble First Aid Fanny Packs for teachers.
Additional Spanish Enrichment
Print and fill out this form if you are interested. What an awesome opportunity for our students. Thank you Senora Neira!
Picture Day
Picture day is scheduled for 9/16/21. This is not a PE day so please don’t worry about this impacting your child taking pictures. We will NOT be doing a class photo due to safety. The class photo will be a composition of individual photos. Fliers will be coming home soon!
Snowie King Update
We had a GREAT turnout for Snowie King and raised $160 for our school. Thank you for your support!
Please keep your child(ren) home if they have any symptoms of being sick. It is important that we are diligent to stop the spread of any illnesses.
IMPORTANT: Please notify the office if your child is sick. If you are CHOOSING TO QUARANTINE because your child is a close contact of a positive case, please call the office and let us know. Attendance is confusing right now because we don’t always know what is happening with students. If you are requesting an independent study contract to quarantine your child, please communicate with the teacher AND the office. Thank you for so much for your cooperation.
NO PARKING in any red zones
Last week we had a blocked bus on N. Cirby due to a car that was parked in the red zone. This results in a frustrated bus driver and late kids getting to their stops. Please be considerate and park elsewhere that is permitted. Thank you!
IB Corner:
August: Caring
Students who are CARING want people around them to be happy and treat others how they want to be treated. They think about the world and work to take care of their community and the environment.
How can families help at home?
Role model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child all the time. Using kind words, helping people without being asked, and being an active listener all show your child that you care about people.
Think about how your family can get involved with community organizations.
Discuss as a family what you can do to take care of the environment.
After reading a book, spend some time considering how the people in the book acted. Was someone in the book caring?
Hello Bulldog families! We hope you have had a smooth transition back to school. Our Wellness Team recognizes that the start of a new school year can become costly and we would like to remind you that you can self refer your student or family for any of the following services utilizing this link: Grocery/food assistance, clothing, backpacks/school supplies assistance, housing support, or hygiene kits. We are here to support you!
Sincerely, Your Sargeant Wellness Team
Reminder: EARLY RELEASE Mondays at 2:00
School gets out at 2:00 every Monday this year. This is for teachers to work in collaborative groups and is crucial to our success. Thank you for making transportation arrangements for your child to be picked up on time on Mondays.
So Grateful for All of Your Support!