Sunday, August 29, 2021



Dear Sargeant Families,

It is with a heavy heart that we mourn the loss of a previous RCSD student, Sgt. Nicole Gee who served our country.  Gee was a maintenance technician with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit and was killed in the Kabul Airport bombing on August 28th.  She attended Sargeant, Eich, and Oakmont. We have teachers who taught this lovely young lady when she was a student.  We are providing support to those affected by her passing.  Thank you for your support also.  


PTC will be holding its first meeting of the school year on Wednesday, September 1st at 7:00 pm. All parent/guardians are welcome. The meeting location is just beyond the school office in the covered picnic area. Meet the PTC Board and our amazing parents that are leading events and programs this year. We will also have time to socialize and ask questions. Volunteer signup sheets for specific programs and events will be available. *Please come at 6:30 if you are available to help assemble First Aid Fanny Packs for teachers.  


Additional Spanish Enrichment

Print and fill out this form if you are interested. What an awesome opportunity for our students. Thank you Senora Neira!

Picture Day

Picture day is scheduled for 9/16/21.  This is not a PE day so please don’t worry about this impacting your child taking pictures.  We will NOT be doing a class photo due to safety.  The class photo will be a composition of individual photos.  Fliers will be coming home soon! 


Snowie King Update

We had a GREAT turnout for Snowie King and raised $160 for our school.  Thank you for your support! 


Please keep your child(ren) home if they have any symptoms of being sick.  It is important that we are diligent to stop the spread of any illnesses.  

IMPORTANT: Please notify the office if your child is sick. If you are CHOOSING TO QUARANTINE because your child is a close contact of a positive case, please call the office and let us know. Attendance is confusing right now because we don’t always know what is happening with students.  If you are requesting an independent study contract to quarantine your child, please communicate with the teacher AND the office.  Thank you for so much for your cooperation.


NO PARKING in any red zones

Last week we had a blocked bus on N. Cirby due to a car that was parked in the red zone.  This results in a frustrated bus driver and late kids getting to their stops.  Please be considerate and park elsewhere that is permitted.  Thank you! 

IB Corner:

August: Caring

Students who are CARING want people around them to be happy and treat others how they want to be treated. They think about the world and work to take care of their community and the environment.  

How can families help at home?

  • Role model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child all the time. Using kind words, helping people without being asked, and being an active listener all show your child that you care about people. 

  • Think about how your family can get involved with community organizations.

  • Discuss as a family what you can do to take care of the environment.  

  • After reading a book, spend some time considering how the people in the book acted. Was someone in the book caring?


Hello Bulldog families! We hope you have had a smooth transition back to school. Our Wellness Team recognizes that the start of a new school year can become costly and we would like to remind you that you can self refer your student or family for any of the following services utilizing this link: Grocery/food assistance, clothing, backpacks/school supplies assistance, housing support, or hygiene kits. We are here to support you!  

Sincerely, Your Sargeant Wellness Team

Reminder: EARLY RELEASE Mondays at 2:00

School gets out at 2:00 every Monday this year.  This is for teachers to work in collaborative groups and is crucial to our success.  Thank you for making transportation arrangements for your child to be picked up on time on Mondays.  

So Grateful for All of Your Support!

Sunday, August 22, 2021


 Dear Sargeant Families,

Thank you for your continued support as we celebrate another successful week.  

Here are some IMPORTANT reminders!

EARLY RELEASE Mondays at 2:00.  

School gets out at 2:00 every Monday this year.  This is for teachers to work in collaborative groups and is crucial to our success.  Thank you for making transportation arrangements for your child to be picked up on time on Mondays.  

Red Zone

Please don’t park in any red zones near campus.  Our school bus cannot make the right turn out of our driveway and onto Champion Oaks if a car is parked in the red zone near the driveway. This backs up our entire parking lot.  Teachers are on duty and will ensure your child safely makes it onto campus and into class.  Thank you again for your cooperation. 

Park Safety

Children are not allowed to be in the park before school or after school without parental supervision.  If you pick your child up from the park after school, please pick them on time.  The teacher on duty leaves the park at 3:35 and MUST bring students to the front of the school if they are still waiting.  Thank you for your cooperation.  

Label Your Child’s Belongings

Please label your child’s lunchboxes, water bottles, sweatshirts, etc.  We often have the need to match these items with children and it is so much easier to do this when items are labeled.  Thank you for helping us with this task. 

Join our PTC!!

Please show your support for our school by participating in our PTC.  Here is their awesome and informative website where you can join PTC, order spirit wear, and find out about events.  Our PTC helps fund programs and events that enhance education, school spirit, and community connectedness.  Help support our school by checking out their website and finding out more about Amazon Smile, Box Tops for education and MORE!

Snowie King

Snowie King is TENTATIVELY scheduled for Friday 8/27.  Stay tuned for more information as we are working through official clearance.  Cross your fingers it comes through in time ;)  I will send out a message if it’s a GO. Treats are $3, $5, or $6 (depending on size).



Sunday, August 15, 2021

 Dear Sargeant Families,

Thank you for your support as we closed out our first full successful week at school.  It was wonderful to see all the community-building and learning that took place in our classrooms, walkways, multi-purpose room, and on the playground.  There is so much laughter and happiness and our staff and students are happy to be back together.

Here are some IMPORTANT reminders:

We Have a Closed Campus:

Student safety is a TOP priority for us at Sargeant.  This means the campus is NOT open to parents/guardians (unless you are standing with your Kindergarten child) in the morning before school. The only gates open before school are the back gate attached to the park and the gate near the multi-purpose room.  We apologize for any confusion, as this is VERY different than last year when we did not have morning recess and we had to consider social distancing. Now that students can play in the morning before school, the playground is open and supervised and this is where we want students to be before school.  If you are used to having your child enter from a side gate please make different arrangements so that your child is entering one of the open gates and is safe and supervised on his/her way to class.  Thank you for your cooperation and for understanding.  

Sick children: Please keep your child(ren) home if they are sick.  In order to be at school, children need to be symptom-free for at least 24 hours WITHOUT any medication.  Keeping our staff and children safe and healthy is a top priority for us.  We appreciate you for calling the school to report any illnesses and keeping us informed of absences.  This truly helps! 

School start time: Parents, please note that school instruction begins at 8:50.  This means gates are closed several minutes before this, as teachers on duty close them on their way to class.  The bell rings for students to head to class at 8:45.  If your child enters school through the park entrance, please have them in park before 8:45, as the gates close shortly after the 8:45 bell.  The other gate for entering campus is the gate near the multi-purpose room.  This keeps our campus closed to visitors and safe for our students.  This is a top priority for our school.  Thank you for understanding.

Water bottles: Please send your child to school with a water bottle whenever possible.  It is hot and the blacktop creates even more heat.  We are encouraging students to wear hats, drink water and be in the shade when they feel themselves getting overheated. It is helpful for children to hear these reminders from their teachers and parents.  

Headphones: Please send in headphones for your child to keep at school.  There are many times where your child needs these to listen to a story, take a test or enjoy their chromebook activities free of other distractions.  

Label Everything:

Please label your child’s lunchboxes, water bottles, sweatshirts, etc.  We often have the need to match these items with children and it is so much easier to do this when items are labeled.  Thank you for helping us with this task. 

Join our PTC!!

Please show your support for our school by participating in our PTC.  Here is their awesome and informative website where you can join PTC, order spirit wear, and find out about events.  Our PTC helps fund programs and events that enhance education, school spirit, and community connectedness.  Help support our school by checking out their website and finding out more about Amazon Smile, Box Tops for education and MORE!

Wellness Information from Mrs Rio:
Hello Bulldog families! We hope you have had a smooth transition back to school. Our Wellness Team recognizes that the start of a new school year can become costly and we would like to remind you that you can self refer your student or family for any of the following services utilizing this link: Grocery/food assistance, clothing, backpacks/school supplies assistance, housing support, or hygiene kits. We are here to support you!  


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Community Connection: August 9-August 13

Dear Sargeant Families,

We had a successful two days!!! 

Thank you parents and guardians for your support as we begin our school year.  We appreciated your smiles, donations of supplies, and kind Welcome Back gifts for our staff.  We had many families at Back-to-School Night and it was wonderful to see and feel the excitement!  We are underway for a GREAT YEAR! 

Campus Safety:

Please check in at the office any time you are visiting campus.  If you are interested in visiting or volunteering regularly, you must fill out volunteer forms.  Your child’s teacher (or the school office) can provide these to you if you are interested.  

Here is a link to our bell schedule.

Masks: Thank you for all of your support with mask-wearing.  Children and teachers are expected to wear masks while indoors in the classroom.  We have extras and will provide one if/when a child does not have one or loses one throughout the day.  Please encourage your child to take masks breaks while out at recess.  We are encouraging mask breaks to help our students adjust and to encourage them to drink water during these hot days.  

Arrival and Dismissal:

  • ONLY for students eating breakfast: The cafeteria (in the multi-purpose room) is open at 8:15.  Students must remain in the cafeteria until the 8:35 bell.  Kindergarten students must wait in line outside of their classroom until school begins at 8:50. 

  • For students not eating breakfast, the campus opens at 8:35.  Students should not be on campus before 8:35, as there is no supervision.  

  • Upon arrival, students are expected to enter campus through the side gate to the left of the school entrance (near the multi-purpose room) or at the rear gate (through the park).  If students arrive prior to the 8:35 bell they are expected to wait outside the gate until the bell rings.  

  • Parents: we have a closed campus for safety and security.  Please drop your child(ren) off at one of these two gates and do not enter campus.  We appreciate your support.  

Parent-Teacher Club:

Please show your support for our school by participating in our PTC.  Here is their awesome and informative website where you can join PTC, order spirit wear, and find out about events.  Our PTC helps fund programs and events that enhance education, school spirit, and community connectedness.  Help support our school by checking out their website and finding out more about Amazon Smile, Box Tops for education and MORE!

Sargeant Mental Health Specialist:

We are so lucky to have Rio Poliquin this year as our full-time Mental Health Specialist.  She works with students in a variety of capacities.  She is funded through a grant from the Placer County Office of Education, PCOE.  The goal of the grant is to support school sites with increasing access to mental health services, building community, and increasing social-emotional learning. If you feel like your child is struggling with an issue or you would like support from Rio, please fill out this form. 

Weekly Wondering

May 27th-30th - Community Connection Blog

  May 27th-30th Minimum days this week.   TK Dismissal: 12:47 PM Kindergarten Dismissal: 12:42 PM 1st - 5th Grade Dismissal: 12:52 Monday, M...