Saturday, January 29, 2022


Can you believe it's already February?  We love our Sargeant community.  Thank you for your unwavering support of our school, our students, and one another.  We appreciate you!  

Order online at and use the code SARGEANT to help yourself NOT have to cook and help our school raise money. This fundraiser runs for three days, Feb 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.  

February: Knowledgeable

Students who are KNOWLEDGEABLE  have explored relevant and significant 

concepts and can apply this knowledge to new situations.  

How can families help at home?

  • Encourage your child to read books at home that correspond with the topics being covered in school.

  • Encourage your child to read books at home in your home language.

  • Ask your child about what they are learning in school and engage them in conversations about it: “Why do you think that is an important thing to know about?”

PBIS Focus for February: Be Responsible

This month we will work on emphasizing the connection between our IB attribute of being knowledgeable with our PBIS focus of being responsible.  When we KNOW better, we DO better.  We are always working to help our students be the best version of themselves.  This responsibility at school includes completing work, owning up to one’s mistakes, asking for help when it’s needed, and taking care of one’s own needs.  We always emphasize to our students that taking responsibility for themselves is of utmost importance.  These concepts can also be applied at home. Join us in making our Bulldogs knowledgeable AND responsible. 

Girls on the Run

We are so excited to offer Girls On the Run this year!  This is a wonderful opportunity for girls in grades 3-5 to have fun, make friends, increase their physical activity levels and learn important life skills.  The program runs for 8 weeks and will start in February.  During this time they will work with and learn from our Sargeant coaches (two of our fabulous teachers) while training for a 5K. Registration opens on January 28th!  Mark your calendars.  Here is a flyer with more information.  Please reach out to Cathy Gibson or Jennifer Danielson with questions about the program or registration.  The cost is $145 for registration. Financial assistance is available!  Please reach out to Julie Murdaugh with questions about or requests for financial assistance. We don’t want any girls left out!! 


We are having problems with children hanging out in the park unsupervised after school.  Please remind your child that if they walk or ride their bike home, it is important that they go directly home.  Many parents stay in the park with their children after school but this makes it difficult for our teacher on duty to determine if the child(ren) is/are being supervised.  If your child is waiting in the park to be picked up, please arrive by 3:30.  Our teacher on duty leaves the park at this time and sends any students not yet picked up to the front office.  We cannot leave unsupervised children in the park.  Thank you for understanding.  

Early Dismissal

Monday’s dismissal is 2:00.  Thank you for picking up your child on time.  We appreciate your help.

Sunday, January 23, 2022


Thank you to this amazing community for your continued support during these stressful times.  As can be expected, we’ve been short on substitutes and have had to get creative with our solutions as we navigate not having enough staff to cover all of the needs on some days.  We truly appreciate your patience and understanding. 

Welcome to our new SLP! 

I’m excited to share that our new SLP will be starting tomorrow, January 24th.  Her name is Clarissa Stockton and we are lucky to have her.  Lori will be on leave for the remainder of the year.  Clarissa will resume all speech services on their regularly scheduled days starting Monday, January 31st.  Parents have been notified of this change.  If they have any questions, please send them my way.

ELPAC Practice at Home! 

Each spring, our students who are English Learners, take a test called the ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessment for California).  This is a summative assessment that serves as an informational tool for our district and our school to determine the current level of proficiency for each child who is learning English.  The purpose of the Summative ELPAC is to determine the level of ELP of EL students and to assess the progress of EL students in acquiring the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. We are asking you for help!  Please help your child at home by having them practice for the test.  Here is a link where your student can take practice tests and be better prepared for the summative assessment coming up in February. 

COVID reminders

Here are the updates from last week’s blog. 

You can get FREE at-home COVID tests through this website. 

Next Year

Our calendar for next year has been approved and can be viewed here. Note our later start and end dates.  We won’t start school until August 11th and that puts us out in June, not May.  It has also been shared that school will start much earlier for us next year.  We are projected to have a 7:45 am start time.  Yep, you read that right :) That also means a dismissal around 2:00 pm.  I am sharing this now so you are as prepared as can be with childcare.  

Upcoming Fundraiser

Let’s Eat Out fundraiser at Old Spaghetti Factory.  This fundraiser will run February 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.  All orders over those 3 days MUST be placed ONLINE and the code SARGEANT must be entered for us to get credit. Here is the full flyer!

Sunday, January 16, 2022


No school tomorrow, January 17th, 2022
See you Tuesday!

COVID-19 Updates:

Positive Cases:

At this time this change only applies to individuals who are positive for COVID-19.

Per CDPH’s updated guidelines, positive cases can reduce the number of days they must isolate (both staff and students, regardless of vaccination status) from 10 days to 5 days if all the following are TRUE:

  • At least 24-hours have passed since the resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications; AND

  • They take and provide RCSD with a COVID-19 test (antigen recommended) on or after Day 5 and it comes back NEGATIVE; AND

  • They will continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days, especially in indoor settings.

Types of Tests Accepted: We will accept the at-home test results to allow students to return to school.  

Exposed Cases:

  • If your child has been exposed to COVID-19 at school you will receive notification.  The letter has changed and so have the guidelines.  You will see there is no longer a modified quarantine.  Your child can continue to come to school as long as they are symptom-free.  

  • If your child is exposed to a person that has tested positive for COVID-19 (outside of school), please call the office and allow us to walk you through the next steps.  If the case of COVID-19 is in your household, the best choice is to isolate your child away from that person, if possible.  Again, please call the office and we will walk you through the options for return.  THESE HAVE CHANGED!!!

Symptomatic Students:

Please call the office at 916-771-1800 if your child has any symptoms of illness.  Appropriate attendance records are crucial for our school.  Calling on behalf of your child is tremendously helpful for the office staff as they are working on many aspects of students’ needs.  Your cooperation is appreciated.  

Spelling Bee Winner!!

HUGE congratulations to our very own 4th-grade student, Muibi Hassan-Olajoku for winning one of the TOP 7 spots for his grade level for the ENTIRE DISTRICT.  He will take the next steps to determine whether he will represent Roseville City School District at the county level.  Great job Muibi!

Sargeant Support Center

Updated Handbook for Sargeant  

Please take a look at our Parent-Student handbook here. Notice changes on pages 12-13, under Sargeant Behavior and Discipline Policy.  There has been information added about using a restorative approach with students, as well as a piece on behavior correction steps taken by school staff.  Reach out to Principal Julie Murdaugh with any questions.  

CAASPP Testing:

We are scheduled to take all California state standardized tests this year.  Here is the state’s website if you want more information.  Our testing window for Sargeant is April 20th-May 6th with students testing over a 2 day period for ELA and a 2 day period for math.  5th graders will also take the Science test.  More information will go out as we get closer.  However, we want you to have the dates now so that you plan around these.  It is important that students come to school on these days and participate in testing.  Again, we appreciate your support. 

Important Flyer

Parenting Seminar

Girls on the Run

We are so excited to offer Girls On the Run this year!  This is a wonderful opportunity for girls in grades 3-5 to have fun, make friends, increase their physical activity levels and learn important life skills.  The program runs for 8 weeks and will start in February.  During this time they will work with and learn from our Sargeant coaches (two of our fabulous teachers) while training for a 5K. Registration opens on January 28th!  Mark your calendars.  Here is a flier with more information.  Please reach out to Cathy Gibson or Jennifer Danielson with questions about the program or registration.  The cost is $145 for registration. Financial assistance is available!  Please reach out to Julie Murdaugh with questions about or requests for financial assistance. We don’t want any girls left out!! 

Saturday, January 8, 2022



We had a wonderful first week back.  It was heartwarming to see all of the students and their smiles and to hear their happy voices.  It was abundantly clear that everyone was so excited to be back together.  The teachers spent time in community-building circles to bring students back together in a fun and loving way.  They gave students opportunities to reconnect with their peers and to share the winter break experiences.  They also spent time reviewing our PBIS rules and expectations and refocusing students on working together and learning. Bringing students back to school and into our safe spaces is such a rewarding experience.  It is my hope that you and your family enjoyed your winter break. 

Progress Reports come out Friday 1/14

Please read the communication from your child's teacher about progress reports so you know what to expect. If you have questions, contact your child's teacher.

Sami’s Circuit Family Night this Wednesday

Sami’s circuit family night is this Wednesday at 6pm!  Please see thisflyer for information.  Let’s see which class can get the most participation!! 

Here is the link.

Spanish Learning

La Clase de Espanol con Señora Neira

Please take a look here to read about the content being taught in Spanish this month.

Girls on the Run

We are so excited to offer Girls On the Run this year!  This is a wonderful opportunity for girls in grades 3-5 to have fun, make friends, increase their physical activity levels and learn important life skills.  The program runs for 8 weeks and will start in February.  During this time they will work with and learn from our Sargeant coaches (two of our fabulous teachers) while training for a 5K. Registration opens on January 28th!  Mark your calendars.  Here is a flyer with more information.  Please reach out to Cathy Gibson or Jennifer Danielson with questions about the program or registration.  The cost is $145 for registration. Financial assistance is available!  Please reach out to Julie Murdaugh with questions about or requests for financial assistance. We don’t want any girls left out!!

Good Sleep Hygiene

Find these helpful reminders about the importance of children getting a good night’s sleep.  

Here are the reminders in Spanish. 

Registration for Next Year!! 

Read here for more information.

IB Corner:

January’s Attribute: Open-minded

An OPEN MINDED student knows that all people are different.  They listen to the points of view of others and consider many possibilities before making a decision.  They celebrate the differences in everyone. 

How can families help at home?

  • Expose your child to different festivals, celebrations and traditions.

  • Encourage your child to value others’ opinions. 

  • Teach them about your family culture.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)

January’s Focus: Be Safe


Sunday, January 2, 2022


We welcome students back to school on Tuesday, January 4th with a regular day!!

[dismissal at 3:15]

It is our hope that you have truly enjoyed your holidays and extra time with family and friends. As we start our journey into 2022, may we have gratitude for our blessings and a renewed energy to tackle whatever comes our way. 

Welcome Hillary Blan, our new Mental Health Specialist

Please take a moment to read Hillary’s introduction.  We are so lucky to have her at Sargeant.  

Registration for Next Year!! 

Read here for more information.

Spelling Bee Winners for Sargeant

Congratulations to Brandon Bishop and Muibi Hassan for being our 4th and 5th grade site spelling bee winners.  There were a total of seven students who moved on to the district level contest.  This test was conducted at school on 12/16/21 and the results were sent off to the district.  They take the next steps in the process for the county level contest.  Congratulations to these seven students: 4th grade: Emma Carle, Kayleigh Olsen, Muibi Hassan and Alex Troyan.  5th grade: Brandon Bishop, Kenyon Kimbrough and Andre Udo.  Well done Bulldogs!!

IB Corner:

January’s Attribute: Open-minded

An OPEN MINDED student knows that all people are different.  They listen to the points of view of others and consider many possibilities before making a decision.  They celebrate the differences in everyone. 

How can families help at home?

  • Expose your child to different festivals, celebrations and traditions.

  • Encourage your child to value others’ opinions. 

  • Teach them about your family culture.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)

January’s Focus: Be Safe
We are proud to be a PBIS school.  What does this mean?  

  • This means we use an evidence-based three-tiered framework to meet the needs of all of our students through teaching behavior expectations and Tier 1/Universal (think: ALL students) systems here at Sargeant. It means we take a proactive approach to delivering regular, proactive support and preventing unwanted behaviors. We emphasize appropriate (prosocial) social skills and expectations by teaching and acknowledging appropriate student behavior.   

  • When students require more support, we have more intensive tiers (Tiers 2 and 3).  

PBIS means we have 4 simple rules at Sargeant. See if your child can name them.  They are: 

  1. Be Safe

  2. Be Responsible

  3. Be Respectful

  4. Be Kind

You may be asking yourself: “How does this integrate into what we do as IB Learners?”  Our PBIS rules work in tangent with our IB Learner Attributes. This month we will work on helping students return to behaving in a safe manner while at school.  This means that safety is emphasized in all areas of our school: playground, walkways, lunchroom, classrooms, bathrooms, library, etc.  As IB learners, we are always looking at ways our behavior positively or negatively impacts others.  This is also true for our PBIS practices.  We ensure that students are aware of their actions on others and our school, as a community.  Please talk with your child about being open-minded and safe this month.  

Thank you for your continued support and love.  We are Sargeant Bulldogs! 

May 27th-30th - Community Connection Blog

  May 27th-30th Minimum days this week.   TK Dismissal: 12:47 PM Kindergarten Dismissal: 12:42 PM 1st - 5th Grade Dismissal: 12:52 Monday, M...