Friday, August 26, 2022

August 29- September 2 - Parent Blog

A Note from Mrs. Barker

What a great week!  It was a pleasure to read with students and discuss how we can be Bucket Fillers at Sargeant Elementary School.  Starting next week I will continue visiting classes to observe student learning.  

Listen to a read aloud by selecting the book image.

RCSD Opportunities

IA Job Fair

We wanted to make you aware of and encourage you to come and check out some fantastic opportunities we have at Roseville City School District to serve as an Instructional Assistant.

RCSD is a fantastic workplace, and we are looking for individuals to serve as an IA in our classrooms and with our students! IA positions are flexible, rewarding, and play a key role in supporting our students! 

We will be holding an IA Job Fair on Wednesday, August 31, from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at the District Office, located at 1050 Main Street, Roseville. 

Our team will give a presentation at 5:30 to provide information about the IA job, locations, hiring, and assist you with completing an application. We will have a supervised room with activities for those who need to bring their child. Come check it out!

MDS Opening at Sargeant:

We are looking for a Meal Duty Supervisor Monday-Friday from 11:20-12:20. Please call, email or stop by to talk to Mrs. Barker about this position. We would love to have a parent fill this role on campus.

IB Updates

August IB Assembly: August 31st at 10:00AM - Parents of students who are being recognized are welcome to attend.  Please enter through the side gate near the MPR (where students enter in the morning),  The gate will open around 9:52AM.  Please do not enter through the front office.

September Attribute: Principled

Students who are PRINCIPLED have a sense of fairness and are honest with themselves and with others. They understand that sometimes there are rules and they
follow them.

How can families help at home?
  • Teach and model for your child what it looks like to be a respectful winner or loser in a game.
  • Acknowledge your child when they tell the truth even though they know it will get them in trouble.  

Thank you for all of your efforts to adjust to the 7:45AM start time.  As a reminder, the back gate will close at 7:45AM.  If students arrive after 7:45AM they must enter through the front office to check in.  The teachers supervising the back gate are unable to extend their wait time in this area due to the need to transfer their supervision to their own classes waiting for them in the morning.  

Safety Drills:
We had our first evacuation (fire) drill on Wednesday, 8/25.  The students were amazing.  They had practiced with their teachers and knew exactly where to go.  They walked to their designated spots in a quiet and orderly manner.  We will continue to work on our practices for student safety.  We are always looking for areas of improvement.  

Reminder: Students exit school through the front doors or the park gate at the back of the school.  The gate on the field is not an exit gate for students.

 Student Council: Officer information meeting on August 30th at 11:40AM.  Any 4th-5th grade student interested in running for a student council officer position needs to attend this informational meeting at the covered picnic tables. Students should bring pencil and their lunch.  Student council officer applications are due on Friday, September 2nd. 

Bus Transportation: If you are planning to have your student ride the bus, please complete and submit transportation applications this week.  Students will be receiving their transportation cards very soon.  

Students will start visiting the library this week.  

Backpacks are available for students who need them.  Please contact Hillary in the Sargeant Support Center if your student.

 Thank you PTC for planning an awesome Snowie King visit!!!  The students loved it!

Friday, August 19, 2022

August 22-26 - Sargeant Parent Blog

 August 22-26

Principal's Message:

Thank you for an amazing week, Bulldogs!  I have loved meeting students and parents throughout the week.  I am so honored to be part of this amazing community.  Over the next two weeks, I will be in classrooms reading with students and continuing my efforts to build relationships and make connections with our Bulldogs.  
Mrs. Barker August Classroom Visit and Read Aloud

August IB Attribute: Caring

Students show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others.  They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.

Students who are CARING want people around them to be happy and treat others how they want to be treated. They think about the world and work to take care of their community and the environment.  

How can families help at home?

  • Role model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child all the time. Using kind words, helping people without being asked, and being an active listener all show your child that you care about people. 
  • Think about how your family can get involved with community organizations.
  • Discuss as a family what you can do to take care of the environment.  
  • After reading a book, spend some time considering how the people in the book acted. Was someone in the book caring?

Sargeant staff caring for students:

  • Greeting each student at the door
  • Creating safe and welcoming spaces in the classroom and on campus
  • Creating classroom agreements that consider the needs of all students
  • Integrating activities for students to get to know each other and also getting to know their teacher
  • Sargent Support Center tours and reading aloud to students to support and reinforce positive and caring relationships at school
  • And more!

Sargeant Support Center

Hello Bulldogs! The Sargeant Support Center is up and running for the 2022-2023 school year! We have had a great first couple of weeks. A few quick updates - all classes had the chance to visit the new Support Center (Room 6) for a brief tour and were made aware of the variety of supports offered. Additionally, Wellness Club will begin in September. Wellness Club will provide a weekly opportunity for students to access the Support Center during Snack/Recess for social-emotional learning and fun with their peers. More information about Wellness Club and sign-ups will be shared in the coming weeks. 

As always, please reach out to Ms. Hillary with any social-emotional or mental health questions or needs. Her email address is listed below.

Hillary Blan

PTC Event

Thursday, 8/25 - Snowie King will be on the blacktop in front of the MPR on Thursday, 8/25.  Prices are $4, $5, or $7 for Snow Cones. 


If you are interested in volunteering on campus, please contact the school office for information.


Sargeant is a closed campus.  Students use the playground gate by the MPR and the back gate by the bike racks to enter campus in the morning.  Parents will say their goodbyes at the gate.  If your student needs additional support to go to class, please come to the office.  We are happy to find a staff member to support your student.

Kindergarten starts a regular AM/PM schedule next week.  Check your emails for reminders from your teacher.

Physical Education Update: PE LETTER TO FAMILIES

Community Flyers - Opportunities for Students and Families:

Friday, August 12, 2022

Welcome Back Sargeant Bulldogs!

Welcome Back Sargeant Bulldogs!

What an amazing start to the year!  We loved greeting your children and getting them know them on their first days of school.   It has been so much fun meeting the students and learning the ways of being a Bulldog!  Great job adjusting to the new schedule.

Back to School Night and Wednesday Folders:
Thank you for attending Back to School Night on August 9th.  It was great to meet so many of you as you entered to meet your teachers.  If you were unable to attend, you received information in your student's Wednesday Folder.  Please make sure to return Wednesday Folders each week for school to home and home to school communication.

   Sargeant Support Center (SSC)

Hillary Blan, LCSW

(“Ms. Hillary”)

Mental Health Specialist

(916)771-1800 Ext. 27106

Room 6

Ms. Hillary welcomes you all back for the 2022-2023 school year! With this being her second year at Sargeant, she is excited to see all the returning students, in addition to meeting everyone who is new this year! Ms. Hillary is available to support students, staff, and families through social-emotional learning opportunities, behavioral and emotional support in the classroom and on campus, individual and group counseling, connection to resources and services, parenting support, and more. You may see Ms. Hillary spending some one-on-one time with a student, joining a class lesson, facilitating wellness opportunities during lunch and/or recess, and leading social skills lessons for various groups of students. If you have not already met Ms. Hillary, please introduce yourself the next time you see her around Sargeant. Additionally, if you would like to refer a student, please talk to your student’s teacher and complete a referral form (see QR code below). 

Electronic SSC Referral Form (QR Code)

Plan Ahead to Volunteer:
Please stop by the office to pick up the appropriate forms to volunteer in classrooms and attend field trips.  

CAASPP Student Scores:
Student score reports are available for students in PowerSchool. You received an email via Swift on August 1st. 
Week of August 15-19
All visitors, including parents and guardians, check in through the office. Student safety is a TOP priority for us at Sargeant.  This means the campus is NOT open to parents/guardians (unless you are standing with your Kindergarten child) in the morning before school. The only gates open before school are the back gate attached to the park and the gate near the multi-purpose room. 

Have a great weekend. We look forward to seeing students on Monday!

Krista Barker

Principal, Sargeant Elementary School - World Authorized IB PYP School

1200 Ridgecrest Way | Roseville, CA 95661

(916) 771-1800 Email:

#SargeantBulldogs #IBPYP #RCSDChampions

May 27th-30th - Community Connection Blog

  May 27th-30th Minimum days this week.   TK Dismissal: 12:47 PM Kindergarten Dismissal: 12:42 PM 1st - 5th Grade Dismissal: 12:52 Monday, M...