Sargeant - Monday, 11/28-Friday, 12/2
Welcome Back Bulldogs!
Sargeant this week:
If you are visiting or volunteering on campus for any events, please make sure to sign in at the office.
Tuesday, 11/29
5th Grade Walk Through The American Revolution in Room 20 (All Day)
AM Session: Mrs. Puentes
PM Session: Mrs. Kurpershoek
(5th Grade Parents: Please read the details of the event shared by classroom teachers.)
Wednesday, 11/30
5th Grade Walk Through The American Revolution in Room 20 (Half Day)
AM Session: Mrs. Palin
(5th Grade Parents: Please read the details of the event shared by classroom teachers.)
Virtual IB Assembly - Thank you for your flexibility
(Parents of Recognized Students: Please read the details of the event shared by classroom teachers.)
Thursday, 12/1
4th-5th Grade Spelling Bee Test - Interested students will sign up in class this week and will take the test with Mrs. Barker on 12/1.
Three students in each grade level will move forward to the next round. The RCSD Test round will be administered the week of 12/12/22.
The top eight spellers at each grade level district-wide will be identified and these winners will be announced by January 20, 2023.
Other important dates: February 6th (Placer County Spelling Test) and March 15th (Placer County Oral Spelling Bee Finals)
December Dates:
12/5 - PTC Dine Out Night at Panda Express (Flyer-English / Spanish)
12/9 - Star Gazing at Sargeant Elementary (PTC Event)
If the event is postponed due to weather, an alternate date will be released to families.
12/13 - Site Council Meeting
12/15 - PTC Dine Out Night at Papa Murphy's
12/16 - Bucket Band School Performance and Evening Performance 6PM