Thursday, August 24, 2023

August 28-September 1 - Community Connection Blog

 Sargeant This Week

Monday, 8/28 

  • First day of library

Tuesday, 8/29

Wednesday, 8/30 

  • IB Assembly 9:00 AM -

    Teachers will notify parents of students who are going to be recognized

Friday, 9/1

  • Principal Classroom Read Aloud

  • PTC: Snowie King after school - Snowie King will be serving up tasty sno-cones after school.  A portion of all sales will be donated to the Sargeant PTC to support our Bulldog community. 

PTC News

Upcoming PTC Dine Out Nights:

Leatherby's 9/6

Papa Murphy's 9/21

PTC Fun Run seeking Business Sponsors

An excellent opportunity to promote your business and support our

PTC is now available! The PTC is organizing a Fun Run as our annual fundraiser.

Your business can be featured on our social media and Fun Run shirts!

Bucket Band for 4th and 5th Grade

Bucket Band is getting started!  Flyers went in 4th-5th grade teacher boxes and Wednesday folders last week.  Online sign-ups will begin on Friday, September 1st.

First rehearsal will be Monday, September 11th.

Student Council for 4th-5th Grade Students

Calling all parents of fourth and fifth graders! Is your student responsible? Does your student like to be involved in making decisions that affect our campus? Does your student love attending school events, and helping at those events? If so, they may be interested in running for a Student Council officer position! The Student Council co-facilitators will be Mrs. K and Mrs. Palin this year. Mrs. K and Mrs. Palin will be holding an informational meeting this week on Tuesday during lunch for fourth and fifth grade students who may be interested in running for student council, and who want to learn about the election process! Students will learn about the different officer positions they may run for, how the campaigning and election process will take place, and we will go over their Student Council application. 

Students must be in attendance at this meeting if they would like the opportunity to run for an officer position, as their applications will be due this week on Friday, September 1st! Please reach out to Mrs. K or Mrs. Palin with any questions you may have! They are both so excited to work with your students, and to get our 2023-2024 Student Council underway!

Mrs. K's email:

Mrs. Palin's email:

Visitors and Volunteers 

(Select Link for Flyer)

We appreciate our many visitors and volunteers throughout the school year. Please read these quick reminders for taking photos and/or videos of students on any RCSD campus or during any RCSD activity:

  • We want to remind all visitors and volunteers that some of our students are exempt from having their photo or information shared publicly. For student privacy purposes, please only photograph and/or video your own student(s) when on campus, while attending a class field trip, etc.

  • Please do not share photos of any student besides your own on online platforms.If others are in the photo, please crop or blur/hide their faces.

  • For safety purposes, also do not share room numbers or school site maps on online platforms

  • Photos of students during events which are open to the community (after school hours festivals, sporting events, performances, etc.) are allowed. All attendees of these community events should be aware that photos and/or videos may be shared on online platforms.

Please contact me if you have questions or concerns. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students and staff safe.

Volunteer Opportunities: 

Contact the office to get  your category 2 clearance to volunteer.
Art Docent - Contact Kelsey Vallas - 

Field Trips are being planned

PTC Committees -

Student Drop Off Safety Reminders

Parents, please remain in your vehicle.  Students should be exiting on the passenger side.

Please pull all the way forward to allow for the maximum number of cars to drop off students safely at once.

Please use the designated parking spots and legal parking areas if you are going to get out of your vehicle to walk your student to the entrance.

Please refrain from parking in the entrance area, exit area or red zones.  

Always watch for students.  Student safety is the number one priority.

Breakfast Reminders

If your student is planning to eat breakfast at school, please arrive early to allow for time to eat.  Breakfast is available at 7:25 AM. We want students to be on time to class at 7:45 AM.

Sargeant is a Closed Campus

Please say your goodbyes to your student before they cross into campus at the gate. Kindergarten parents line up with students on the black top. TK parents, may provide breakfast support in the MPR, but please exit out of the front black top gate to line up for TK entry and greeting with Mrs. Phillipson.

Community Resources

Sunday, August 20, 2023

August 21-25 Community Connection


Bulldog Message from the Principal
Mrs. Barker

Thank you for coming to Back to School Night!  It was great to have so many families in attendance! BTSN Message from Mrs. Barker(Select Link)
Please remember that attendance matters. Please arrive to school early if you plan to have breakfast in the MPR.
  • Breakfast is served from 7:25 AM -7:40 AM.
  • Students begin going to their classrooms at 7:40 AM
  • School starts at 7:45 AM

Please strive to arrive by 7:40 AM to ensure that all students are in their classrooms by 7:45 to start their awesome day!

As we embark on a new school year, I am delighted to announce the launch of the district-wide "Every Day Matters" Attendance Campaign, an initiative aimed at emphasizing the crucial role of regular school attendance in the academic success of our students.

We firmly believe that consistent attendance plays a pivotal role in shaping the educational journey of each child. It lays the foundation for their growth, fosters a sense of responsibility, and cultivates a lifelong love for learning. By attending school every day, your child gains the essential tools to overcome challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

To support you in ensuring your child's attendance remains steadfast, we have curated a wealth of valuable resources on our “Every Day Matters” website. These resources are designed to empower you with practical tips, strategies, and inspiration to encourage your child to embrace the educational journey with enthusiasm and dedication.

Our school office is always here to lend a helping hand, so do not hesitate to reach out should you require any assistance or encounter challenges in ensuring your child's consistent attendance. We understand that life can sometimes throw unexpected hurdles our way, but with your support and our unwavering commitment to your child's success, together, we can overcome any obstacles that come our way!

Safety Matters

Introducing the STOPit App 

Select the link above to read about our new STOPit APP.

Reminder: Sargeant is a closed campus.  TK and Kindergarten parents may support students in the MPR for breakfast and in line at the beginning of the school day.  1st-5th grade students enter campus independently.  Please let your teacher know if your child is struggling with separation.  We will work together to provide support.

School Wide Expectations (B.A.R.K)

Take a moment to ask your child if he or she can tell you what B.A.R.K stands for at Sargeant Elementary.  We are practicing our expectations daily.  Let them tell you about how he or she is being safe, responsible, respectful, and kind at school.  They are earning Bulldog Bucks for displaying these expectations all over campus.  All staff have different colors.  When students earn the rainbow, they will receive a prize from the office!

Be Safe

Act Responsibly

Respect All

Kindness Matters

Parent Involvement Matters

  • Please attend the PTC meeting on Wednesday, 8/23 at 7:00 PM in the Sargeant Staffroom. To find the staffroom, you will enter the main office gate and then turn right to the staffroom door.
  • It is not too late to be apart of our School Site Council or apply to be a Meal Duty Supervisor.  We need you on our team.  Please contact Krista Barker ( if you are interested in learning more.
  • Volunteers are valued in our classrooms.  Please complete the necessary volunteer paperwork early to participate as a classroom helper, Art Docent, and attend field trips.  Please contact the office for more information.

Community Events and Resources

Sunday, August 13, 2023

August 14-18 Community Connection


It is going to be a hot one this week.

Please be prepared with water bottles.  Students will have access to our awesome refill stations that were provided by our Sargeant PTC.  Stay hydrated Bulldogs!

Drop Off Reminders:

  • Sargeant is a closed campus.
  • Drop off areas are the front of the school office and behind the school at the park gate.
  • Parents may not go past the gates to walk students to class or breakfast.
  • TK parents wait with students outside of the gate between the library and office until they are released to Mrs. Phillipson at 7:40 AM.
  • Kindergarten parents stand with their students in line on the blacktop by the Kindergarten playground until students are released to their teachers.  

August IB Attribute: Caring

Students who are CARING want people around them to be happy and treat others how they want to be treated. They think about the world and work to take care of their community and the environment.  

How can families help at home?

  • Role model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child all the time. Using kind words, helping people without being asked, and being an active listener all show your child that you care about people. 

  • Think about how your family can get involved with community organizations.

  • Discuss as a family what you can do to take care of the environment.  

  • After reading a book, spend some time considering how the people in the book acted. Was someone in the book caring?

Back to School Night

Tuesday, August 15th
5:30-6:30 PM
Presentations will be staggered to allow you time to visit multiple grade levels and check out the information tables available on campus.

Staggered Presentations: TK-K: 5:30-5:50, 1st-3rd: 5:50-6:10, 4th-5th:6:10-6:30

Please stop by the information stations provided by PTC, Adventure Club, and Girl Scouts.  Right At School information may be obtained through the office or by contacting Right at School.

Tuesday, August 15th will be an early release day due to Back to School Night.
Dismissal Times
TK - 12:47 PM
K - 12:42 PM
1st-5th -12:52 PM

Parent Involvement Opportunities

We have two MDS positions that remain open. If you are interested in discussing this position or trying it out for a day or two to see if it is a fit, please contact me.

We also have two School Site Council positions. Please contact me if you would like to learn more about being involved in School Site Council. We meet once a month. Parent input is vital to our school success.

Krista Barker

Save the Dates:

August 23rd - PTC Meeting - 7:00 PM in the Sargeant Elementary School Staff Room

August 30th - IB Assembly 9:00 AM - Parents of students receiving recognition will receive communication for their teachers

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Welcome Back - First Day of School is 8/10!


Welcome Back to School Bulldogs!

We are so excited to see you all tomorrow.  Below are a few reminders to get things started:

  • K-5 Students entry points at arrival are at the front of the school or back of the school at the park gate between 7:25-7:40 AM.  
    • Students will be able to go directly to class as they arrive on the first day of school, unless they are going to the MPR for breakfast first.  Parents may walk their students to their classrooms on the first day of school and then join Mrs. Barker in the multipurpose room at 7:45 AM.
    • Sargeant Elementary is a closed campus.  Starting on 8/11, students will be dropped off at the front of the school and the back park gate.  

    • TK and Kindergarten arrival and dismissal
      • TK students will wait with their parent or guardian by the gate located at the front of the school between the library building and the office.  Mrs. Phillipson will greet TK parents and students to transition them to school at 7:40 AM.  TK is dismissed at 12:47 PM at the same gate.
      • Kindergarten students will line up with their parent or guardian on the blacktop opening to the Kindergarten playground.  Mrs. Santos and Mrs. Duley will greet Kindergarten parents and students to transition them to school at 7:40 AM.  Kindergarten students will be dismissed at 12:42 8/10-8/18.  We will begin the regular schedule on 8/21.
    • 1st-5th Grade Students Dismissal Time is 2:03 on 8/10-8/11.
    • Students who bike to school should lock their bikes at the bike racks on North Cirby and then proceed to enter at the front of the school or back of the school park gate.
    • Breakfast is available in the MPR from 7:25 AM-7:40 AM.
    • Thank you for donating school supplies for your student and class.  To help things run smoothly, please leave any items that are not included on the school supply lists at home.  This includes extra folders, markers, journals, toys, play equipment, treats for the class (including birthday treats), etc.  If you have questions, please talk to your child's teacher or contact the school office.   
    • Back to School Night is 8/15 - 5:30-6:30 PM - Presentations will be staggered to allow you time to visit multiple grade levels and check out the information tables available on campus.
      • Staggered Presentations: TK-K: 5:30-5:50, 1st-3rd: 5:50-6:10, 4th-5th:6:10-6:30
    We are very excited to see you tomorrow!

    May 27th-30th - Community Connection Blog

      May 27th-30th Minimum days this week.   TK Dismissal: 12:47 PM Kindergarten Dismissal: 12:42 PM 1st - 5th Grade Dismissal: 12:52 Monday, M...