Friday, April 26, 2024

April 29 - May 3 - Community Connection Blog

 April 29 - May 3

3rd-5th Grade ELA and Math CAASPP testing starts this week.  

3rd-5th Grade teachers will be giving raffle tickets to students who are at school and on time for testing.  We will do raffle drawings in the cafeteria.  Students who have their ticket drawn will spin the wheel!  We had our first 5th grade winner last week.  She won a BJ’s Certificate.  There are many cool prizes on the wheel.  

Leatherby’s- Wednesday, May 1st 

Leatherby's Fundraiser Night!

Join PTC this Wednesday May 1st at Leatherby's at 7910 Antelope Road from 4-8pm. 20% of sales that we bring into Leatherby's on Wednesday will be donated to Sargeant PTC! Be sure to mention Sargeant PTC when you order. 


Friday, May 3 - Lunch Hero Day

We are so appreciative of our cafeteria staff.  Susan Lamb ensures that our students receive breakfast and a five star lunch each day.  Katrina Edwards is our morning cashier.  She is so helpful and loves to play music for the students in the cafeteria in the morning.  Thank you to our amazing Sargeant Cafeteria Team.


Morning Drop Off Safety Reminders

Students may be dropped off at school as early as 7:25 AM.  We do not have supervision until that time.  If you arrive before 7:25 AM, please stay with your child until supervision is visible. 

TK and Kindergarten parents, please remain with your children in their designated areas before school.  The Kindergarten playground is not available to students before school.  The teachers receive students after the 7:40 AM bell.  

Please drive cautiously through the parking lot and when exiting.  We have had several reports of close calls due to speeding out of the parking lot.

Field Day

Greetings again Sargeant parents!

Here is a link to the Sign Up Genius to volunteer for our upcoming Field Day on Friday May 17th!

The event will run from 9:00-11:00 am but we ask volunteers to show up about 45 minutes early to help with any set up and prepping for their selected activities! Thank you so much for all your support and I look forward to seeing the volunteers in person on May 17th!

Noah McFadden

Sargeant Elementary PE Teacher

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week

May 6-10 is Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week and we can't wait to shower our amazing staff with some love! PTC is asking for donations for two Staff Appreciation Week events. On Tuesday, May 7 we are hosting a Popcorn Bar and on Friday, May 10 we are Stocking The Staff Room! Please use this Sign Up Genius link to donate to either event.

Thanks for all you do to make our community great!

Sargeant PTC Board

Book Fair-

Another huge thank you for supporting the book fair through your book purchases and volunteering.  The PTC has already started to deliver books to classrooms.  Thank you PTC!!!!

New Sargeant Team Member:

Roxanna Franco will be joining the Sargeant team on Monday, 4/27 as an IA in our 1st-3rd grade SDC class.  Please make sure to introduce yourself when you see her learning her way around campus.

Secure Drill

Students and staff did a great job participating in a Secure Drill on campus last week.  We practice our drill frequently to ensure that students and staff have practice with emergency procedures and responses.

Community Flyers



Placer Air Control District Workshop Flyer.pdf

Friday, April 19, 2024

April 22nd-26th - Community Connection Blog

April 22nd-26th

CAASPP Testing Date Reminders -  

April 22-April 26 - CAST - 5th Grade

April 29-May 10 - CAASPP ELA and Math - Grades 3-5

Attendance Matters! Way to go Sargeant!!!

All classes had over 91% attendance this past month!  We had 11 classes with over 94% attendance.  Thank you for all of your hard work and for encouraging students to be at school each day.  

We will be giving out raffle tickets to students who are in attendance on time and ready to go for testing.  Students will spin the wheel when their name is drawn during lunch each day during testing.

Book Fair

Thank you for visiting the book fair.  When you purchase books, Sargeant Elementary School classrooms receive Scholastic Dollars to spend on their class libraries.  We celebrated the end of book fair with raffle ticket drawings in the cafeteria.  Many of our students went home with cool posters.

Field Day 

Dear Sargeant Elementary School families,

I am writing to inform you that our annual Field Day will be held on Friday May, 17th! Field Day is a fun and exciting school wide event which allows our students to participate in a variety of games and activities and it wouldn't be possible without the support of our family volunteers! Field day will take place from 9:00-11:00 am and students will rotate through each activity in 15 minute intervals. 

I will be sending out a sign up genius link next week which will allow you to volunteer to help run a station of your choice! You will also be able to pick if you would like to work the primary (TK-2nd grade) or secondary (3rd-5th Grade) rotations so that you can interact with your little one!

Thank you all in advance for your support! Make sure to mark Friday May, 17th on your calendars and keep an eye out for the volunteer sign up link next week! Go bulldogs!

Noah McFadden

PE Teacher 

Sargeant Elementary School 

Community Flyers


Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 15-April 19 Community Connection Blog

April 15th-19th

We need volunteers for various different dates & times. If you are interested in helping out please sign up here.  


A secure digital payment account for students. See the attached flyer or see the website for details.

Open House

The book fair will be open before and after Open House, April 16th. Stop by and shop!

April 16 Open House 

Early Release Day - Wednesday Schedule

The park gate and front gate will be open at 4:30 PM.  The Book Fair is in room 20 (Music Room) and the Campelli’s and Dave’s Dogs food trucks will be on the basketball court in front of room 20.  Enjoy your dinner at the park with your family before visiting your classrooms and the book fair.

4:30 - Book Fair open for shopping in room 20

4:45 - Food trucks ready to serve food

5:30 - 6:30 Open House -  Classrooms open and student art on display in the Multipurpose Room.

6:30 - Classrooms and MPR close

7:00 - Book fair close

Book fair purchases fund classroom libraries and the Sargeant school library.  Sargeant appreciates your support.  

April 17th

Sargeant Spirit Wednesday and IB/PBIS Recognition Assembly - Teachers will notify parents of students being recognized.  Gate opens at 8:50.

April 18th

PTC Dine Out @ Papa Murphy’s

CAASPP Testing Date Reminders 

April 22-April 26 - CAST - 5th Grade

April 29-May 10 - CAASPP ELA and Math - Grades 3-5

Community Flyers


Friday, April 5, 2024

April 8th-April 12th Community Connection Blog


April 8th-April 12th

This week at Sargeant

Monday, April 8th - Eclipse - Students will be provided with glasses for safe viewing at school.  

On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at the Sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing. Our students will obviously be in school during this event, and our educators will take full advantage of this to make it a safe, learning experience for our students. 

NASA-approved safety glasses have been ordered for students, and all teachers will work with them to ensure the safe viewing of the eclipse during the event.

Please make sure to tell your child not to look directly at the sun during this event, or attempt to observe the eclipse without adult supervision and guidance. They should closely follow teacher instructions during the eclipse, especially those involving eye and eyewear safety.


If you have questions about the activities that will be conducted at your child’s school or wish to have your student refrain from participating in these activities, please contact the school office and let them know.

We are attaching information provided by NASA to learn more about this event and how to participate safely.

English Flyer

Spanish Flyer

Tuesday, April 9

4th-5th Grade Basketball Championship Game @ 1:00 - If parents would like to attend, please sign in at the office before heading out to the blacktop.

Wednesday, April 10

PTC Meeting at 7:00 PM in the Sargeant Staff Room

Thursday, April 11 

Spring Picture Day- all students will be photographed

April 12 

TK Zoo Field Trip

Sargeant Exhibition Projects: Donation Requests

Fifth graders are wrapping up their exhibition projects. Students researched and presented on social justice topics such as Gender Equality, Poverty and Cyberbullying. We have a few groups of students who are collecting donations for local non-profit organizations that assist members in our community in various ways. If you are interested in helping our 5th graders with their projects, you may donate the following items in the front office. 

Donations Needed: 

  • New or gently used clothing and shoes

  • Blankets 

  • Knit hats and/or scarves

  • Travel size toiletries

Thank you to Oakmont Key Club!

The Oakmont Key Club donated bags of encouragement to our Kindergarteners this week.  The students were very appreciative and excited to get the kind cards and special treats.

Book Fair is coming! April 15-18

Volunteers Needed!

We need volunteers for various different dates & times. If you are interested in helping out please sign up here:


A secure digital payment account for students. See the attached flyer or see the website for details.

Open House

The book fair will be open before and after Open House, April 16th. Stop by and shop!

April 16 Open House 

Early Release Day - Wednesday Schedule

Open House: Book Fair opens at 5:00 PM.  Food trucks will be available on the upper playground. Classrooms will be open from 5:30-6:30.  The Book Fair closes at 7:00 PM.  

April 17th

Sargeant Spirit Wednesday and IB/PBIS Recognition Assembly

April 18th

PTC Dine Out @ Papa Murphy’s

Community Flyers

Troop_121_Recruitment eFlyer.pdf

May 27th-30th - Community Connection Blog

  May 27th-30th Minimum days this week.   TK Dismissal: 12:47 PM Kindergarten Dismissal: 12:42 PM 1st - 5th Grade Dismissal: 12:52 Monday, M...