Friday, May 31, 2019

Sargeant Families Blog - Summer Break

It's hard to believe that it's May 31st and we are done with the school year.  Thank you for sharing your children with us this year.  We have enjoyed each and every one of them.  Along with the teachers, I have watched them grow over the year and I am proud of them.  I wish our students moving on to middle school the best of luck.  Those of you that are moving to other schools, I will miss you.  For those of you returning, I can't wait to see you in August!  Please take time this summer to have fun with your family: have them explore, create, design, build, and continue reading.  😍📚 I have included a few reading ideas on this blog post for you to check out if you are interested.  Reading is something important to continue even when not in school.  You can mix it up and read to your kids or have them read alone (or both!).  If you're looking for books, there is an online resource below, but the Maidu library is also a great free resource.  Every Friday we will also be posting read alouds by guest readers on Sargeant's Facebook account.  Check them out as much as you want!
See you all in August. 
~ Principal Peck 

Registration for Next Year
If you have not registered online for next school year, please do so as soon as possible.  All students need to be registered online to start next school year.  If you need registration support over the summer, there is one last day at the district office on June 6th from 5:00-8:00.  The school office will also be open Monday, June 3rd if you need help. 

Summer Reading with EPIC
Check out the link about to see EPIC's special for the summer.  It's an online reading resource with access to thousands of books!

Summer Reading
Looking for a creative way to engage in reading this summer?  Check out the BINGO form below.

As part of the Roseville City School District Digital Literacy plan, all students in grades 1-4 were given access this school year to a typing program called EduTyping.  The goal of this program is to help students improve their typing fluency. The program introduces students to typing using a row-by-row method with high frequency and sight words integrated throughout to reinforce reading comprehension.

We wanted to let you know that current 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-grade RCSD students will have access to EduTyping over the summer for any students that would like to continue using this program.  Students in grades 1-4 in the 2019-2020 school year will have access all next year as well. Please see these instructions below on how students can log onto EduTyping at home.

Summer Lunch 
Free lunch will be provided at multiple locations, including Eich's campus in the E Wing (6th grade side). Lunch will be served from 11:00-12:00 starting June 10th.  Please check out the links below for more information.
Summer Lunch Information - Spanish 
Summer Lunch Information - English

School Supplies for the 19-20 School Year
All school supplies are suggested donations if you are able to bring them for your class.  If you are able to pick up anything for Spanish as well, it is greatly appreciated.

Transitional Kindergarten 


Back to School Night 

Our back to school night for the 2019-20 school year will be before school starts on August 6th.  The night is a parent only night to meet your child's teacher and learn about the school year.
5:30-6:00 TK and Kinder
6:00-6:30 1st and 2nd
6:30-7:00 3rd-5th

* We are working on trying to get a food truck here on that night but nothing has been confirmed.  We will share information at the end of July. *

First Day of School 

The first day of school for 2019-20 school year is Thursday, August 8th.  The link below is for the district calendar.
RCSD Calendar

School Schedule (Helpful for Kinders Moving to 1st Grade)
- Kids can play on the playground starting at 8:35
- Class starts at 8:50 (warning bell rings at 8:45 to head to class)
- Snack Recess is at 10:40
- School gets out at 3:15

Important Dates to Mark on Your Calendar 
July 29th - Office Opens
August 6th - Back to School Night (please see the times above)
August 8th - First Day of School

Former Bulldogs graduating from Oakmont this Year 

Staff vs All Stars Basketball Game 
Moving Up Walk - Last Day of School

The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sargeant Families Blog May 27th-31st

We had a busy week last week and couldn't have done it without you!  Thank you to all of the volunteers who came out for the APEX Fun Run and Field Day.  Volunteers are a huge part of the success of these two days and we appreciate you taking out time from your day to help.  

Thank you for all of your support in gathering donations for the APEX Run.  We will be using the funds to support classroom libraries and create flexible seating in the school library. 

Last Week of School 
May 27th  - No School - Memorial Day
May 28, 29 and 30 - Minimum Days (same schedule as Mondays)
May 29th - Senior Walk at 1:00 - High School Seniors who went to Sargeant will walk the halls as we congratulate them 
May 30th - Last Day of School
                     1:20 Moving Up Walk - Celebrate Our 5th Graders as they Move on to Eich 

The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sargeant Families Blog May 20th-24th

Thank you for all the work you are doing to help your child collect pledges.  The money raised will go towards supporting reading with books for classroom libraries and revamping the seating in our school library. The run is this Wednesday.  We are watching the weather day by day and hoping it doesn't rain.  We will communicate with you if there are any changes, but the run will still be on Wednesday.  If raining, we will have to move it into the multi.  If the fields are too wet, we may be running o the blacktop.  We will be sure to let you and the students know. 

Field Day
We are getting excited about our 23rd Annual Sargeant Field Day this Friday from 9:30 - 11:45.  We will need volunteers to help with this fun event from 8:45 - 1:00 (the BBQ volunteers stay later).  Please check out the following link if you are interested in volunteering: Field Day - Volunteers Needed .  We still need a few more to make this event a success. 

Moving Up Walk  - Celebrating Our 5th Graders
On the last day of school, May 30 at 1:20, we will be celebrating our 5th graders who will be moving on to middle school in our second annual Moving Up Walk.  This is a brief ceremony where all of our students will gather by grade level in a rectangle out on the primary playground. The 5th graders will walk out to music and walk around the other students as we cheer them on and celebrate them as they say good-bye to elementary school.  They will end in the center of all the students and then each grade level will "move up" in line to their next grade level. 5th grade parents are welcome to attend to cheer for your child.

Don't Forget...
Every Monday is a Minimum Day for PLCs (Professional Learning Community)
(All kinders are 8:50-1:50 and 1st-5th is 8:50-2:00)

FR 1: 9:00am
Grades: 2nd & 3rd
FR 2: 10:00am
Grades: 4th, 5th, & SDC
FR 3: 11:00am
Grades: TK/Kinder & 1st

May 22nd - Bucket Band Concert at 6:00
May 24th - Field Day (volunteers needed for this event- Field Day - Volunteers Needed ) - We need your help if you are available. :)
May 27th  - No School - Memorial Day
May 28, 29 and 30 - Minimum Days (same schedule as Mondays)
May 30th - Last Day of School
                     1:20 Moving Up Walk 

The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sargeant Families Blog May 13th-17th

Image result for thank you
Thank you to PTC and all of the families who helped out with Staff Appreciation Week. We were spoiled all week long! We are thankful to work at a school with such supportive families. We appreciate you!

 This year, Apex focuses on being STRONG as a group and valuing each other’s differences. The interactive lessons discuss the important role we each play in the world, and also promotes the idea that we’re always stronger together!

Connect your child to potential sponsors and help acquire pledges for the number of laps they will run on May 22nd - Fun Run day. Family and friends anywhere in the world can support our school. This year the funds will go to supporting classroom libraries as well a our current library - we are hoping to give it a makeover with comfortable seating for the kids to use while reading books.
All students will also receive their own pledge kit with an individual access code that allows you to enter pledges online.
During the Apex Fun Run program, students are challenged to get pledges for the laps they will run on Fun Run day to help our school.
Students will run for 30 minutes and will run an average of 26-26 laps around the Apex Raceway. Maximum amount of laps is 36 and each lap is 1/16th of a mile. Through Apex’s online pledging system, sponsors can pledge $1/lap, $2/lap, $5/lap, or any other amount for students and can pledge from anywhere in the world!

For those of you new to Sargeant, here is an informational video from Apex:

Field Day
We are getting excited about our 23rd Annual Sargeant Field Day!  It is scheduled for Friday, May 23rd from 9:30 - 11:45.  We will need volunteers to help with this fun event from 8:45 - 1:00 (the BBQ volunteers stay later).  Please check out the following link if you are interested in volunteering: Field Day - Volunteers Needed 

Moving Up Walk  - Celebrating Our 5th Graders
On the last day of school, May 30 at 1:20, we will be celebrating our 5th graders who will be moving on to middle school in our second annual Moving Up Walk.  This is a brief ceremony where all of our students will gather by grade level in a rectangle out on the primary playground. The 5th graders will walk out to music and walk around the other students as we cheer them on and celebrate them as they say good-bye to elementary school.  They will end in the center of all the students and then each grade level will "move up" in line to their next grade level. 5th grade parents are welcome to attend to cheer for your child.

Image result for field day

Don't Forget...
Every Monday is a Minimum Day for PLCs (Professional Learning Community)
(All kinders are 8:50-1:50 and 1st-5th is 8:50-2:00)

Last Weeks of School 
May 13th - Apex Kick Off Rally - Students will be bringing home pledge kits
May 22nd - Fun Run (volunteers needed to mark laps- check out this Sign Up link)

FR 1: 9:00am
Grades: 2nd & 3rd
FR 2: 10:00am
Grades: 4th, 5th, & SDC
FR 3: 11:00am
Grades: TK/Kinder & 1st

May 22nd - Bucket Band Concert at 6:00
May 24th - Field Day (volunteers needed for this event- Field Day - Volunteers Needed )
May 27th  - No School - Memorial Day
May 28, 29 and 30 - Minimum Days (same schedule as Mondays)
May 30th - Last Day of School
                     1:20 Moving Up Walk 

The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept

Friday, May 3, 2019

Sargeant Families Blog - May 6th - 10th

Dance Party at Recess - Always a Favorite!

Moving Up Walk  - Celebrating Our 5th Graders
On the last day of school, May 30 at 1:20, we will be celebrating our 5th graders who will be moving on to middle school in our second annual Moving Up Walk.  This is a brief ceremony where all of our students will gather by grade level in a rectangle out on the primary playground. The 5th graders will walk out to music and walk around the other students as we cheer them on and celebrate them as they say good-bye to elementary school.  They will end in the center of all the students and then each grade level will "move up" in line to their next grade level. 5th grade parents are welcome to attend to cheer for your child.

Below is the sign up link mentioned in the flyer above
Check out the PTC Web Site at

Field Day
We are getting excited about our 23rd Annual Sargeant Field Day!  It is scheduled for Friday, May 23rd from 9:30 - 11:45.  We will need volunteers to help with this fun event from 8:45 - 1:00 (the BBQ volunteers stay later).  Sign-ups will be coming soon!

Don't Forget...
Every Monday is a Minimum Day for PLCs (Professional Learning Community)
(All kinders are 8:50-1:50 and 1st-5th is 8:50-2:00)

This Week
CAASPP Testing Continues for 3rd-5th 
May 6th  - Dinner Night Out - Chipotle
May 8th - Site Council at 3:30
May 6th-10th Staff Appreciation Week 

 (just a few, remember to check the calendar tab for more dates)

May 22nd - Fun Run (volunteers will be needed for this event)

FR 1: 9:00am
Grades: 2nd & 3rd
FR 2: 10:00am
Grades: 4th, 5th, & SDC
FR 3: 11:00am
Grades: TK/Kinder & 1st
May 22nd - Bucket Band Concert at 6:00
May 24th - Field Day (volunteers needed for this event)
May 28, 29 and 30 - Minimum Days (same schedule as Mondays)
May 30th - Last Day of School

The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept

May 27th-30th - Community Connection Blog

  May 27th-30th Minimum days this week.   TK Dismissal: 12:47 PM Kindergarten Dismissal: 12:42 PM 1st - 5th Grade Dismissal: 12:52 Monday, M...