Saturday, August 10, 2019

Sargeant Families Blog Post - August 12th - 16th

We had a great first two days of the school year last week. 😀We are fortunate that you allow us to share your children with you on a daily basis. They are wonderful!

Thank you for your patience and understanding with the construction around the school. This week it should all be finished and cleared up.

Starting Monday, we ask that all students be dropped off at the gate and parents do not go on campus unless they check in with the office.  TK will be dropped off at their gate by room 15, kinder will line up outside their playground, and 1st-5th will enter the back gate by the park or the gate by the multi.  If you stay with your kinder out front, when the teacher walks them through the front door of the school, please don't follow them in.  We want to make sure we account for the adults on our campus so if you are staying to volunteer, please check in at the office. 

On the first day of school you received a packet of information. It is important that you read,
complete, and return the following by Friday, August 16th to your child’s teacher:

  1. Social Media Form (blue)
  2. Annual Parent Notice/Internet Agreement (white)
  3. Field Trip Permission Slip to Willard Dietrich Park (yellow)

Many of you are involved in the school, and we cannot thank you enough for your time and
dedication to Sargeant.  Without you, many of the things at Sargeant would not be possible.
If you would like to be more involved, we encourage you to become a volunteer in the classroom
and/or join our Parent Teacher Club (PTC).  Our PTC does an amazing job organizing events and
they could use your help!  

Front Parking Lot Reminder
Please use the crosswalks when walking your child to the front of the school. Do not cross in the middle of cars dropping their children off. There is a partial crosswalk by the kinder playground at the front of the drop off and another one by the gate near the multi purpose room. Thank you.

Star Nova After School Enrichment - Wednesdays after school

Don't Forget...
Every Monday is a Minimum Day for PLCs (Professional Learning Community)
(All kinders are 8:50-1:50 and 1st-5th is 8:50-2:00)

This Week
August 13th - Sami's Circuit Workout Day - wear tennis shoes 
                       PTC Meeting at 6:30 in the Staff Room 

Upcoming Dates - always check the calendar too

August 22nd- Snowie King After School
September 2nd - No School - Labor Day 
September 13th - No School - Staff Professional Development Day
September 18th - Chick Fil A Spirit Night - Sargeant Staff Working 
September 19th- Snowie King After School
October 31st- No School - Staff Professional Development Day
November 4th-8th - Conference Week - School Gets Out at 12:32
November 1st - No School - Staff Professional Development Day
November 11th - No School - Veteran's Day
November 25th-29th - No School - Thanksgiving Break 
December 20th - Minimum Day 
December 23rd - January 3rd - Winter Break 
January 6th - No School - Staff Professional Development Day
January 15th - Chick Fil A Spirit Night - Sargeant Staff Working 
January 20th - No School - Martin Luther King Jr Day 
February 10th  - No School - Lincoln's Birthday Observed 
February 17th - No School  - President's Day Observed 
February 26th - Minimum Day 
April 6th- 10th - No School - Spring Break
April 13th - No School - Staff Professional Development Day
May 20th - APEX Fun Run 
May 25th - No School - Memorial Day 
May 26th-28th - Minimum Days
May 28th  - Last Day of School 

The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept


  1. Hello! Are kinders able to participate in Nova? If they are in Adventure Club, will Nova pick them up there and take them back to Adventure? Thank you!

    1. I talked to Star Nova, and yes, kinders can participate. When you register, let them know your child will be in Adventure Club. You will also need to let Adventure Club know. They will come get them and bring them back.

  2. On orientation night there was a slide that mentioned a Parent Handbook. Is there somewhere to find this on the website or is there a hard copy to pick up? I have not been successful in finding it. The Sargeant folder had loads of useful information!

    1. Please check out our school web site:
      Scroll down on the main page and you will see an icon that states Parent-Student Handbook.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


May 27th-30th - Community Connection Blog

  May 27th-30th Minimum days this week.   TK Dismissal: 12:47 PM Kindergarten Dismissal: 12:42 PM 1st - 5th Grade Dismissal: 12:52 Monday, M...