Yearbook Cover Winner:
Harlow Powell in Mrs. Vandivier's 3rd Grade Class - Congratulations Harlow!
Congratulations G.O.A.T.S Soccer Team!
Our 4th and 5th grade soccer teams had a friendly competition for the championship on Friday afternoon. They had many fans supporting them on the sidelines. I am proud of how all students competed with positive sportsmanship.
Spirit Wear: Preordered spirit wear was delivered to students on 12/9/22. A limited number of Sargeant T shirts sizes youth XS-XlL are available to purchase in the office after school for $10.
Student Council Updates:
Toy Drive: We will be collecting new, unwrapped toys in the red bin in the office now through December 15th. What: CHiP's for Kids Toy Drive. New, unwrapped toys are collected by the CHP and delivered to hospitalized and disadvantaged children for the holidays
When: Now through Thursday, December 15th
Where: Drop off donations in the red bin in the office
Winter Candy Grams- From Monday 12/12 to Friday 12/16, the winter grams will be available for purchase in the front office. Student council will deliver the purchased winter candy grams with an attached lollipop to students on Tuesday, 12/20. If you have questions, please reach out to Student Council advisors, Ms. Ellison- or Ms. Kurpershoek- Sargeant This Week:
12/13 - Site Council Meeting - 2:30 PM in Room 11 - Agenda posted in Sargeant School Office
12/14 - PTC Meeting - 7:00 PM in Room 11
12/15 - Star Gazing PTC Event - 6:30 PM -8:30 PM on the field (Weather Permitting)
12/15 - RCSD Spelling Bee Assessment will be administered to the Sargeant Spelling Bee Winners
12/15 - Papa Murphy's PTC Dine Out Night - Flyer
12/16 - Bucket Band Performance - 6:00 PM in the Sargeant Multi Purpose Room. Parents of student performers, please see communication from Ms. Po-Ruff.