Open House This Week
This week is Open House on Thursday from 6:00-7:00. The Book Fair will be open from 5:30-7:15 in the Activity Room. Snowie King will be here as well to enjoy a treat.
Each grade level will have something set up for you to check out with your child or participate in with your child. It's a chance for you to connect with your children around what they are learning. Some classrooms will have stations set up and others will have a specific activity for you to do when you come into the class. Our 5th graders will be having a wax museum set up where anyone can listen to them present.
Our Spanish class will also be open for you to participate in some activities with your child. Please make sure to have them bring you by the classroom.
If you have any questions about Open House, specific to your child's classroom, please contact them.
Book Fair
The book fair is open this week during lunch and after school. On Thursday, instead of after school, it will be open during the evening from 5:30-7:30. Stop on by before or during Open House.
All classes were able to preview the book fair on Friday to see what is available. During the lunch time hours, in order to control the traffic flow in the room, we will only be allowing students in who have money to purchase (or who have signed up with the E-Wallet). You can also meet your child after school and take them to the book fair. If you are sending money with your child, please talk to them about what the money is to be spent on. Besides books, the book fair always has fun posters, pencils, erasers and other cool supplies. Sometimes friends want to buy for others, so please talk to your children about what they should be spending their money on if you send them with it. We also ask that it's not over $20. Again, it is open during Open House on Thursday night as well as 30 minutes before Open House begins. This is a great time for you to bring them with you and not worry about sending funds with the to school.
PTC Newsletter
Spring Break
We are off of school during the week of the 15th-19th for Spring Break. Monday, April 22nd is a district professional development day and no school. School resumes on Tuesday, April 23rd.
There is a contest being held by Pieology in Roseville - Race For The Dough. Now through April 30, for every $10 spent at Pieology our school gets a sticker added to the chart. First school to reach the end wins between $100 & $750.
Lost and Found
The lost and found is overflowing with sweatshirts and jackets. Please stop by at Open House as we will be bagging up and donating the items let during spring break.
When pulling into the parking lot, only one car should be coming in at a time. We have one lane for dropping off. Sometimes people are in a hurry and they will pull around other cars to get further up in line. This is unsafe as not only can it cause a car accident, but we don't want anyone getting hurt. At most people are waiting a couple minutes once they are in the parking lot. A couple minutes is worth it to keep our kids safe. The drop off line is the most congested right at 8:45 when the warning bell rings for kids to head to class. The playground is open starting at 8:35 for kids to play, so we encourage you to drop them off a little earlier and this will help you get out on time without worrying about the traffic. Please be safe when you are pulling into the parking lot. We appreciate it.
This picture shows the one line coming into the parking lot. It also shows an open space. We do not want anyone to try to cut into the open space instead of waiting in the car line. This is unsafe. We just want people to continue to pull forward and drop their child off.
Don't Forget...
Every Monday is a Minimum Day for PLCs (Professional Learning Community)
(All kinders are 8:50-1:50 and 1st-5th is 8:50-2:00)
This Week
April 8th - 12th - Book Fair
April 11th - Open House - Minimum Day
(just a few, remember to check the calendar tab for more dates)
April 24th - Dessert Night Out - Nuyo Frozen Yogurt
April 26th - Mother/Son Night
May 6th - Dinner Night Out - Chipotle
May 6th - Dinner Night Out - Chipotle
April 15-22 - No School (Spring Break and Teacher Professional Development)
May 22nd - Fun Run (volunteers will be needed for this event)
May 24th - Field Day (volunteers needed for this event)
May 28, 29 and 30 - Minimum Days
May 28, 29 and 30 - Minimum Days
May 30th - Last Day of School
The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
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