We are looking forward to having kids back on campus on Wednesday! Just a reminder that school is from 8:30-1:30 for 1st-5th graders and the kindergarteners are grouped from 8:30-11:30 and 10:30-1:30. Everyone should have received notification of there was a change in teacher based on some moving to Champions and class size reduction.
District Communication and Video
These were sent last week by the school district. It will be helpful to review them both if you haven't already.
You can return the Chromebook and charger on November 3rd from 7:30-3:30 to the library. The side door leading to the parking lot will be open. This will prevent you from having to send the Chromebook with your child.
You can have your child return the Chromebook and charger to their teacher on November 5th or 6th of in-person instruction.
If at all possible, we highly encourage you to bring it on the 3rd as this will make things smoother for the teacher the first week of school.
If you have a post-it at home, please place one on the Chromebook with your child’s first and last name, as well as their in person teacher’s name.
If you purchased insurance from School Device Coverage (SDC) for the device issued to your student, you still have access to utilize that service if your student accidentally damages a device assigned to them while on campus, or if your student’s cohort or school is placed back on quarantine.
If you did not purchase insurance for the device assigned to your student, and your student damages a device assigned to them while on campus, you may be charged for the damage.
Here is the cost for repairs and replacement of the Chromebook, also for reference.
A reminder all families can purchase insurance through December 4th for just $24. For reference, a broken screen is $99 to repair. To purchase insurance, follow the instructions on this page of the district website.
Bell Schedule - Starting November 4th (5 days a week)
Morning Drop Off
Gates will not open until 8:15 for kids to come onto campus. Once they come onto campus, they are to head through one of the open gates and head straight to class.
In order to decrease the amount of kids through each gate we are trying to separate by grde level, but we understand that some may enter at others due to where they walk from home or get dropped off. If they are at the front of the school, we are asking the following:
Kinder enter the gate next to the kinder playground at the front of the school.
1st Grade enter the gate by the Multi.
2nd and 3rd enter the front doors of the school.
4th and 5th enter by the library and upper grade classrooms.
(Ms. Fletcher's class at her door leading to the parking lot.)
Anyone arriving at the back of the school can enter the park gate.
All students are expected to wear masks on campus. If you do not have a mask for your child, please let the office know. We can give you a couple cloth masks to have at home. We also have disposable masks available if someone forgets theirs.
Water Bottles
Please send your child with a water bottle every day. Make sure their name, first and last, is written on it in permanent marker. The water fountains outside will be turned off but the water in class will be available to fill up their bottles. Small cups will be available for kids who forget their water bottle. If you don't have a water bottle to send with your child, please let the office know.
Food Services Update
Food Services will continue to provide free breakfast and lunch to any student who wants it. During November they will be creating bags for every child. Lunch will be grab and go at the end of the day as we are not eating lunch on campus.
Snacks/Lunches (No lunch on campus)
1st-5th graders will have two snack breaks and kindergarten will have one (since they are only here for three hours). We will be delivering the breakfast portion of the meals (mentioned above in Food Services Update) before the first snack recess so kids have something to eat if they didn't bring anything from home. The lunch portion will be delivered to their classroom before 1:30 so they can grab it when they leave. If you do not want your child taking the food, please let their teacher know. We will be handing it to all kids in November. Eventually we will be taking a breakfast/lunch count in order to make the appropriate amount for those that want it.
Thank you to everyone who filled out the survey to see how many people would be picking up their kids in a car after school and how many would be walking.
In order to release kids from classrooms and still maintain distancing, we are going to follow the following procedure:
- At the end of the day, kids going to Adventure Club and walking home will be released first.
- Kids getting picked up from the back of the school will be released next.
- For those getting picked up in front of the school, the classroom teacher will walk their remaining kids out to designated areas (on campus). Staff members out front will radio teachers to let them know who is in the first 5-6 cars in the loop in order for them to send the student.
- We are asking that you just roll the passenger window down and let us know your child's first and last name.
* Please talk with your child so they know where and how they are getting picked up.
* If you are walking to meet an older child at school, possibly plan a meeting spot a little off campus to alleviate crowds of parents.
* If you are waiting for your child on the sidewalk, please wear a mask and socially distance as much as possible.
* We are hoping this will help create some distancing, however this has never been done before. Please be patient as we try it out. We will adjust as needed.
Visitors/Adults on Campus
At this time we are not having volunteers or visitors on campus past the office. If you do need to come to the office, please wear a mask.
If you are waiting outside to pick your child up, please have a mask on.
Videos for Coming Back to School at Sargeant
These aren't as professional as the district one but kids may recognize some of the people in them. 😀 Please check out these videos with your child for procedures in place when coming back to school on Wednesday.
Music Corner Don’t forget to find your music lessons in the Lessons tab on Otus every Monday! There will be fun songs and new activities to complete every week, starting November 9th. We are counting on you to keep making music as we transition to 5-Day and Champions learning! Here is the video music lesson preview: https://youtu.be/7V2nqO_uMOQ
PE Corner
PE videos will be shared Tuesday and Thursdays in Otus. Mr. Kight went over this with the kids this week and showed them videos from the new PE teachers.
Note: Since kids district wide will be turning in their Chromebooks as they head back in person PE and music will be optional as there is no guarantee of a device at home.
This Week
Academic Word of the Week - No Word this Week
November 2nd and 3rd - No School - Staff Development
November 3rd - Chromebook Return 7:30-3:30 - See Information Above
Materials Pick Up for Champions in Multi - 2:00-4:00
November 4th - First Day of In Person and First Day of Champions Academy
Coming Up....Sami's Circuit Virtual Family Night - November 10th
Champions Information Only
November 3rd - Material Pick Up in the Multi from 2:00-4:00.
Breakfast/Lunch Pick up Monday-Friday from 11:30-1:00 by the gate near the multi.
The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept.
We are a little over one week away before starting in person and the Champions program on November 4th. Those of you who have signed up for the Champions program should have received an email from Carrie Vincent confirming your enrollment.
For the students returning in person, we will have a new bell schedule. The following times will start November 4th.
Kinder - There will be two groups. One will be from 8:30-11:30 and the other group will be 10:30-1:30.
1st-5th Grade - 8:30-1:30
Champions Students - You will continue to pick up materials from our school site throughout the year. Information will be communicated from your Champions teacher in the future. Until then, I will share as well. Your first pick up will be November 3rd from 2:00-4:00 in the multi.
Please check out the following video for details about returning to school.
Thank you,
Principal Peck
As noted in the district communication, we are expecting all students to wear masks when returning to campus. If you do not have a mask for your child, please let them office know. We are currently working with PTC to get some Sargeant masks available for purchase.
Chromebooks Checked out from RCSD
If your child has checked out a Chromebook from our school district and returning to school in person, then we will be collecting them the first week of school. Students will be allowed to bring them with them on November 5th and 6th, however to make it easier on them and the teachers, we will have a pick up day on November 3rd. More details to come this week via email about the pick up date.
Donations Needed
Many people have been inquiring about how they can help or what they can do as we transition back to school.
Disinfecting Wipes
Bleach/Chlorine free wipes
Hand Sanitizer
The sanitizer has to be at least 70% alcohol. Our hope is to have a small container of hand sanitizer per desk to allow for students to sanitize right at their desk as needed.
This Week
Academic Word of the Week - Describe
Coming Up...
November 2nd and 3rd - No School - Staff Development
November 4th - First Day of In Person and First Day of Champions Academy
The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept.
At Thursday night's board meeting it was approved to bypass the Hybrid model and move to a modified 5 day a week traditional model. The new model will consist of 5 hours a day of in-person instruction. The District sent out information (please check your email from RCSD) for those that would like to make changes to their child's placement based on this board decision. Although not specifically stated in the document, as of right now, the plan for TK and Kinder is to come back for 3 hours a day. Just like in past years, our plan for kinder is to have a staggered start time to allow the teachers to work in small groups with the students.
I will be sending out updated information for the reopening in the coming weeks. Class lists will now be sent out the week of October 26th due to these changes. The new reopening information will include:
Class list assignments
New bell schedule
Campus entrance/exit procedures
New Safety protocols, etc
I know this is a challenging time for everyone and I can't say enough about how much I appreciate the Sargeant community. You have shown understanding, grace and flexibility during this time. I know the changes ahead can cause some uneasiness but know the Sargeant Staff is working hard to make it a smooth transition to support our students and make it the best for them. We truly care about each and every one of our students and know that we can make this a great year.
Take care,
Principal Peck
Message from PTC
Looking for gift ideas for Sargeant teachers? PTC reached out to collect, compile and share a Teacher Favorite Things list with you! From favorite flowers to beloved coffee shop beverages, please enjoy this one-stop place to get gift ideas for the holiday and beyond. Let's treat our teachers all year! Click here: https://bit.ly/2H2Q6NF
Chromebook Insurance Coverage
We have had some families return Chromebooks that have been damaged. If you have a district issued device, check out the device coverage. It's a great deal in case something happens.
The option for families to purchase mobile device coverage on their District issued device has been EXTENDED to October 23, 2020. Please click the link below for additional information: https://www.rcsdk8.org/school-device-insurance-coverage
Monthly Assembly Pictures
It is almost time for our next monthly assembly! We loved seeing all the different ways your kids have been learning at home. If you would like to show us how your child is still learning please send any pictures to Ms. DeArcos at rdearcos@rcsdk8.org. The pictures will be in the video at the October assembly. The deadline to submit pictures for the next assembly is Friday, October 23rd!
Donations Needed
Many people have been inquiring about how they can help or what they can do as we transition back to school.
Disinfecting Wipes
Bleach/Chlorine free wipes
Hand Sanitizer
The sanitizer has to be at least 70% alcohol. Our hope is to have a small container of hand sanitizer per desk to allow for students to sanitize right at their desk as needed.
Water Bottles
As we transition back onto campus, we will be asking that students bring their own water bottles with them. The drinking fountains will be turned off outside but available in the room to fill up the bottles. We don't want kids drinking straight from them because often little ones end up putting their mouth on it. If you are unable to send a water bottle with your child, please let Mrs. Peck know. Thank you! We will have small drinking cups in classrooms in case a kid forgets their water bottle at home, but we would also be open to donations for cases of water to keep in classrooms in case a kid forgets their bottle at home.
This Week
Academic Word of the Week - Definition
Wednesday, October 21st - Site Council Meeting
Friday, October 16th - Spirit Day - Mismatch Day
Looking to Translate the Blog into Another Language?
1. Depending on your computer, place your cursor on the document and right click or double tap from your tracking pad. (Dependiendo de su computadora, coloque el cursor en el documento y haga clic con el botón derecho o toque dos veces desde su panel de seguimiento.)
2. The small screen will pop up and choose "Translate to Another Language" (mine already says Espanol). (Aparecerá la pantalla pequeña y seleccionará "Traducir a otro idioma" (la mÃa ya dice español)
3. The next small window pops up and you click on the three dots. (Aparece la siguiente ventana pequeña y hace clic en los tres puntos.)
4. Choose the language. (Elija el idioma.)
Shop at JCrew and a percentage of the purchase goes to Sargeant...just mention our school. Share with your friends and family!
October 17-31st
November 4th - 1st day of school for In Person and Champions Academy
The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept.
School Device Insurance Coverage The option for families to purchase mobile device coverage on their District issued device has been EXTENDED to October 23, 2020. Please click the link below for additional information: https://www.rcsdk8.org/school-device-insurance-coverage
Story Book Pumpkins Looking for something fun and a little different this fall for a fun, family activity? Try creating a story book pumpkin. A story book pumpkin is where you choose a book and then decorate a pumpkin to match a character in the story. It's lots of fun for kids of all ages. If you create one, we'd love to share a picture with our school community. Send pictures to Mrs. Peck at rpeck@rcsdk8.org. Check out some examples below. Have fun!
Donations Many people have been inquiring about how they can help or what they can do as we transition back to school. Two items than can be donated are disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer. Although we have supplies from the state and district, it's nice to have extra.
The disinfectant wipes have to be bleach/chlorine free, and the sanitizer has to be at least 70% alcohol. Our hope is to have a small container of hand sanitizer per desk to allow for students to sanitize right at their desk as needed. Here are some pictures below, but always double check the labels.
Donation boxes will be in front of the school Monday-Friday from 7:30-4:00.
Water Bottles
As we transition back onto campus, we will be asking that students bring their own water bottles with them. The drinking fountains will be turned off outside but available in the room to fill up the bottles. We don't want kids drinking straight from them because often little ones end up putting their mouth on it. If you are unable to send a water bottle with your child, please let Mrs. Peck know. Thank you! We will have small drinking cups in classrooms in case a kid forgets their water bottle at home, but we would also be open to donations for cases of water to keep in classrooms in case a kid forgets their bottle at home.
This Week
Academic Word of the Week - Contrast
Wednesday, October 14th - ELAC Meeting at 2:00 via Zoom. Please email Mrs. Peck for the Zoom link.
Thursday, October 15th - Dinner Night Out at Papa Murphy's 11:00-8:00 (3rd Thursday of every month)
Friday, October 16th - Wear Pink - Spirit Day
Shop at JCrew and a percentage of the purchase goes to Sargeant...just mention our school. Share with your friends and family!
October 17-31st
November 4th - 1st day of school for In Person and Champions Academy
No conference week November 16th-20th - conferences will be moved to a later date in 2021.
The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept.
Students who are INQUIRERS are curious about the world. They can conduct research independently. They love learning and discovering new things and will carry this love of learning throughout life.
How can families help at home?
-Encourage areas of your child’s interest by visiting the library to borrow books that explore these topics.
-Develop an understanding of the Internet. Work with your son or daughter when the Internet is being used and try to instill the understanding that some Internet sites are not reputable.
-Let your child know it’s ok to be curious and ask questions about the world.
IB Units The students are starting their second IB unit. They will be inquiring about these Transdisciplinary Themes for the next 6 weeks. Below you will find the Transdisciplinary Theme each grade level is learning about and the topics they are going to focus on.
Meal Duty Supervisor
We are looking for another Meal Duty Supervisor for the school year. If you are intersted please check out the application on the district web site (RCSD Web Site) or email Mrs. Peck for more information.
Hybrid Times Over the next weeks were are working on scheduling our students and getting information out to you. One thing to note is that our times are similar to the schedule that was sent out in the district information.
The morning session will be 8:50-11:20 and the afternoon session will be 12:45-3:15. More information to follow in the upcoming weeks.
This Week
Academic Word of the Week - Conclude
Tuesday, October 6th PTC Zoom Meeting (link will be on the PTC web site) at 7:00 and Dinner Night Out at Nixtaco
No conference week November 16th-20th - conferences will be moved to a later date in 2021.
The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept.