Saturday, October 28, 2023

October 30-November 3- Community Connection Blog

October 30-November 3

Sargeant This Week

Monday, 10/30 and Tuesday, 10/31 - No School - Teacher Professional Development Days

Friday, 11/3 - Last Day of Trimester 1 - Please be on the lookout for scheduling your parent/teacher conferences.  

Mark your calendars for November PTC Meetings and Dine Out Nights

11/7 - 5-9pm: Chipotle 

11/8 - PTC meeting 7:00 PM in the Sargeant Staff Room

11/16  - 11am-8pm: Papa Murphy’s

IB Attribute

Our learner profile attribute for the month of November is COURAGEOUS. 

Students who are COURAGEOUS have courage to try new things. They try to solve problems in a lot of ways. They have the bravery to tell people what they think is right.

How can parents help to develop students who are Courageous at home?

  • If your child is feeling uneasy about trying something, encourage them to attempt it and then reflect on both whether they liked the activity and how it felt to try something new.

  • Your child might want to set some short-term goals. Consider activities that make him/her nervous. What are realistic goals for the week? Your child might set a goal to:

    • Offer an opinion in class

    • Spend one recess with someone they might not usually play with

    • Order something different form the lunch menu

    • Try an activity they haven't tried before

  • Be careful to explain to your child the difference between being courageous by trying new things and doing dangerous things.

Kindness for Veterans

Sargeant would love to spread some kindness for Veteran's Day by making cards to share with some local vets.  This is something you can do at home as a family.  All you need is paper, a pencil, and markers or crayons!  Keep it short and sweet and let a veteran know you appreciate their service to our country.  You can turn your handmade cards into the office and Mrs. Rainey or Mrs. Vandivier will deliver them.  Thanks!

Safety Drill Practice:

Sargeant students and staff successfully practiced a lockdown drill on Friday morning.  Staff will provide feedback for continuous improvement.

Morning Drop Off and Afternoon Pick Up

Loading Zones:

Please make sure to remain in your car when you are in a loading zone on North Cirby.  If you are planning on walking with your student to or from the gate for entry or exit, please park in areas that are designated for parking.  The cars parked in the loading zones are impeding the progress of the cars flowing through to pick up/drop off.

Red Curb:

Please do not park where curbs are painted red.  We need those areas clear for emergencies and safety. 

Entry and Exit from the Parking Lot:
The Sargeant parking lot has an entry driveway and an exit driveway.  Please make sure to enter and exit through the designated driveways.  Please avoid parking in the driveway areas.  

I realize that drop off and pick up can get stressful and convenient parking is sometimes a challenge.  Mr. Gary is ready to help cross families at the crosswalk as needed. 

Student Council:

Sargeant will hold our annual canned food drive from November 13th - December 8th this year! Join in the season of generosity by gathering canned foods and non-perishable food items to donate to your child's class beginning on November 13th. Everything we collect will be donated to our local Placer County Food Bank!

Unfortunately, they are unable to provide us with boxes this year. If you have any extra cardboard boxes, we would love to use those as a means to collect our donations! We are looking for 20 medium-large cardboard boxes for our canned food drive. Please bring them to the office if you have any extras to spare!

Please let us know if you have any questions!

-Kristin Kvinnesland & Katie Palin

Lost and Found:
Thank you for stopping by the office last week to pick up lost and found items.  Unfortunately, we still have a significant number of items that were left behind.  These items will be donated. 

RCSD Happenings

Gate Testing Notification 

Gate Testing Notification - Spanish

Sunday, October 22, 2023

October 23-October 27 Community Connection Blog

October 23rd-October 27th


Sargeant This Week

Follow Sargeant Elementary on Facebook and Instagram: @rcsdsargeant

Wednesday, 10/25

  • Our spirit day this week will be on Wednesday, October 25th. The theme is "Sports Day." Students are encouraged to celebrate making healthy exercise choices by wearing a sports team uniform or your favorite team's T-shirt or jersey! Please leave all extra sports equipment at home.
  • TK Pumpkin Patch - See communication from Mrs. P about special TK events this week.
  • 6am-9pm: PTC DIne Out @ Panera 

Friday, 10/27 

  • Lost and Found - We will have our lost and found items on display at the front of the school at drop off and pick up times on Friday.  Items that are not picked up by the end of the day on Friday, 10/27 will be donated.  Please feel free to check the lost and found at your convenience any day this week.
  • If you are interested in helping me sort and display our lost and found items on Friday, please let me know.  Thank you - Mrs. Barker

Reminder: No School on October 30th and 31st for teacher work days.

Red Ribbon Week!

This week is Red Ribbon Week! At Sargeant, we celebrate Red Ribbon Week by discussing how to be a balanced student, how to make healthy choices, and how those healthy choices positively impact our brains and bodies. Our Student Council members will be promoting Red Ribbon Week with a spirit day, and by reading books that have a theme of making healthy, balanced choices in classrooms.

Our spirit day this week will be on Wednesday, October 25th. The theme is "Sports Day." Students are encouraged to celebrate making healthy exercise choices by wearing a sports team uniform or your favorite team's T-shirt or jersey! Please leave all extra sports equipment at home.

Student Council also has a challenge for you families at home: We challenge you to spend one day unplugged! That means pick one day this week where you and your family engage in screenless activities :) Instead, you could play board games or card games together. Or maybe you cook and eat a family dinner together. We can't wait to hear about all of the fun activities you can do without screens! 

Harvest Festival Fun!

Thank you to our amazing PTC for planning and leading our awesome Fall Harvest Festival!  We appreciate all of the volunteers that made this event a success. We had a great turn out.  It was a pleasure to see so many families on campus.

New Play Equipment:

We have added new play equipment for students out on the playground. They were so excited to see the full ball carts on Friday!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

October 16-20 Community Connection


October 16th-20th

Fall Harvest Festival This Week!

Harvest Festival is back and we are looking forward to seeing returning families as well as meeting new ones. Please join us for this FUN, FAMILY event - kids are $10 each (adults are free). Purchase through PTC online through Sunday or afterschool next Tuesday and Wednesday. 


We are in need of many more volunteers in order to make this event a success - please check out the sign up below for ways to support our school community and this event!

Shifts are fun and easy - only 30 minute increments, so you'll have lots of time to enjoy the event!  If we do not have enough volunteers, some of the planned activities may not be available.


Thank you to those who have already committed to volunteering and/or donating at the event!

Please reach out with any questions.

-Sargeant PTC

Sargeant This Week

Tuesday,, 10/17

3rd Grade Field Trip - Maidu Museum- Vandivier and Powell

Thursday 10/19

Picture Retake Day.  If your child missed picture day or you would like a Retake, please notify your student's teacher.  Only these students will visit the photographer on retake Day. 

Kindergarten Field Trip - Safetyville

3rd Grade Field Trip - Maidu Museum - Janzen

Harvest Festival

Plan Ahead:

10/25 6am-9pm: Panera 

10/30- 10/31 - No School - Teacher Work Day

Student Council - Harvest Festival

Our Student Council students want to have a fundraiser table at our upcoming Harvest Festival in order to raise money for items like playground equipment, art supplies, and soccer nets for intramurals! Student Council will have a refreshment table at the Harvest Festival, where the students will sell drinks like water, lemonade, fruit punch, and capri suns! We have received donations from a few local stores, but are still looking for a few more donations! If you are able to help make our fundraiser a success, please choose an item from the Sign Up Genius linked below to donate!

Student Council Sign Up Genius

Donations can be brought to Mrs. K in Room 22 or Mrs. Palin in Room 24! Thank you so much for supporting our Student Council!

Sargeant Updates and Opportunities:

Sargeant Elementary has new Social Media Pages.  Follow us on Facebook: RCSD Sargeant and Instagram @RCSDSargeant! 

Sargeant Spirit Wednesday was October 11th!  Congratulations to Ms. Lyon’s class for having the highest percentage of attendance.  Every Day Matters at Sargeant!

Thank you for promoting positive attendance at home.  Please continue to arrive on time each day.  Your Bulldog is part of our community and their presence matters.  

Top 3 Classes with the Highest Percentage of Attendance: 9/14/23-10/10/23

Lyon: 98.48% attendance

Gibson: 97.74% attendance

Padilla: 97.05 % attendance

We have 15 classes with >90% attendance and 8 classes that had a higher percentage of attendance this month than last!  Way to go Bulldogs! 

Improved Attendance Classes: Ms. Lyon, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Padilla, Mrs. Kvinnesland, Mrs. Lynes, Ms. Espinoza, Mrs. Montgomery, and Mrs. Puentes.  Please celebrate the improvement with your student!  

Keep it up Bulldogs!  You may earn Sarge in your classroom next month.  

If you are interested in GATE testing for your child.  Please review the information below:

Gate Testing Notification

Gate Testing Notification - Spanish

The Elks Lodge Drug Awareness Poster and Essay contest is back again for 2023-2024! 

Red Ribbon Week Poster and Essay Contest Details

Poster paper will be available in the office for 3rd-5th graders interested in participating.  Please return your essay and poster to the Sargeant office by Thursday, November 2nd for submission.  Posters and essays that are submitted will not be returned.

Community Resource

Free Solar Eclipse Glasses

Thursday, October 5, 2023

October 9-October 13 - Community Connection Blog

 October 9-October 13

Monday, 10/9

  • TK-2nd Fire Safety Assembly 10:00 AM

Tuesday, 10/10 

  • 5th Grade Walk Through The American Revolution (Espinoza /Puentes ) - Please refer to the information provided by your classroom teacher. (Funded by PTC!)
  • PTC Dine Out Night 11am-8pm: Mountain Mike’s 

Wednesday, 10/11

  • Sargeant Spirit Wednesday!  Wear your Sargeant Spirit Wear or Bulldog Blue. 
  • PTC Meeting 7:00 PM-8:00 PM - Sargeant Staff Room

Thursday, 10/12

  • 5th Grade Walk Through The American Revolution (Mrs. K) - Please refer to the information provided by your teacher. (Funded by PTC!)

A Note of Gratitude from Mrs. Barker

Thank you to our amazing PTC for all of your amazing support and planning of an awesome Fun Run!  The Sargeant PTC and the Sargeant community raised over $30,000 for Sargeant Elementary School.  Due to the commitment and energy the PTC fundraising team of volunteers, the PTC will be able to apply 100% of the proceeds for the benefit of the Sargeant students and school!  Thank you!  It was a pleasure to turn into an ice cream sundae for all of you.  Sarge was there for support too!

Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered and donated!

It is a great day to be a Bulldog!

Mrs. Barker Ice Cream Sundae - 10/4/2023 Fun Run

PTC Update

We did it! Thank you for all of your amazing support during our 2023 Fun Run Fundraiser! Our amazing community came together and raised $30,121! Because of your generous donations and hard work we will be able to fund field trips, and complete installation of our playground shade structures, and make progress toward getting a new sound system in the MPR! THANK YOU BULLDOGS!

PTC Meeting this Wednesday October, 11 at 7pm in the Staff Room. Join us as we plan our year and get ready for Harvest Festival! No experience necessary!

October PTC Dine Out Nights: Flyers linked below

10/10 11am-8pm: Mountain Mike’s 

10/25 6am-9pm: Panera 

PTC Fall Harvest Festival - October 19th - Volunteers still needed: Please sign up here.


Calling all Sargeant volunteers!  Did you know that as an IB school, our 5th graders participate in a culminating project in which they choose a social issue and write their own unit of inquiry called the Exhibition Project?  This is a chance for them to demonstrate what they have learned throughout their years here at Sargeant.  These fifth graders will work independently or in a small group with an adult mentor.  Mentors will meet with their group during the school day approximately four times from December-March.  Mentors do not have to have a child in fifth grade to volunteer, but if they do, they will not mentor their own child's group. Exhibition projects will be on display at Open House and again for the student body to visit.  All mentors will be given a set of questions to use to guide the students from start to finish.  Are you interested in helping with this important project?  Please let us know by emailing one of the 5th grade teachers or Jennifer Danielson, our IB Coordinator. 

Mentor Flyer

Student Council Announcements:

Attention parents of 3rd-5th graders who are involved in the Student Council! Your child brought home a permission slip last week to help at the Student Council fundraiser table during the Harvest Festival. We have already received so many permission slips back from responsible Bulldogs! If your child has not returned their Harvest Festival permission slip yet, please look at the information with them, sign it, and send it back to school with your child by this Friday! 

Here is a link to the permission slip if your child has misplaced theirs: Harvest Festival Permission Slip

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. K or Mrs. Palin!

Mrs. K:

Mrs. Palin:

Coming Soon…

Picture Day Retakes

Picture Retake Day is on Thursday, October 19th. If your child missed picture day or you would like a Retake, please notify your student's teacher.  Only these students will visit the photographer on retake Day. 

Gate Testing

GATE Testing Notification

Gate Testing Notification - Spanish

Community Resources
Learn to Play LaCrosse

Roseville Youth LaCrosse

RHS Presents Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

UCP Despicable Me Movie Night

May 27th-30th - Community Connection Blog

  May 27th-30th Minimum days this week.   TK Dismissal: 12:47 PM Kindergarten Dismissal: 12:42 PM 1st - 5th Grade Dismissal: 12:52 Monday, M...