Thursday, October 5, 2023

October 9-October 13 - Community Connection Blog

 October 9-October 13

Monday, 10/9

  • TK-2nd Fire Safety Assembly 10:00 AM

Tuesday, 10/10 

  • 5th Grade Walk Through The American Revolution (Espinoza /Puentes ) - Please refer to the information provided by your classroom teacher. (Funded by PTC!)
  • PTC Dine Out Night 11am-8pm: Mountain Mike’s 

Wednesday, 10/11

  • Sargeant Spirit Wednesday!  Wear your Sargeant Spirit Wear or Bulldog Blue. 
  • PTC Meeting 7:00 PM-8:00 PM - Sargeant Staff Room

Thursday, 10/12

  • 5th Grade Walk Through The American Revolution (Mrs. K) - Please refer to the information provided by your teacher. (Funded by PTC!)

A Note of Gratitude from Mrs. Barker

Thank you to our amazing PTC for all of your amazing support and planning of an awesome Fun Run!  The Sargeant PTC and the Sargeant community raised over $30,000 for Sargeant Elementary School.  Due to the commitment and energy the PTC fundraising team of volunteers, the PTC will be able to apply 100% of the proceeds for the benefit of the Sargeant students and school!  Thank you!  It was a pleasure to turn into an ice cream sundae for all of you.  Sarge was there for support too!

Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered and donated!

It is a great day to be a Bulldog!

Mrs. Barker Ice Cream Sundae - 10/4/2023 Fun Run

PTC Update

We did it! Thank you for all of your amazing support during our 2023 Fun Run Fundraiser! Our amazing community came together and raised $30,121! Because of your generous donations and hard work we will be able to fund field trips, and complete installation of our playground shade structures, and make progress toward getting a new sound system in the MPR! THANK YOU BULLDOGS!

PTC Meeting this Wednesday October, 11 at 7pm in the Staff Room. Join us as we plan our year and get ready for Harvest Festival! No experience necessary!

October PTC Dine Out Nights: Flyers linked below

10/10 11am-8pm: Mountain Mike’s 

10/25 6am-9pm: Panera 

PTC Fall Harvest Festival - October 19th - Volunteers still needed: Please sign up here.


Calling all Sargeant volunteers!  Did you know that as an IB school, our 5th graders participate in a culminating project in which they choose a social issue and write their own unit of inquiry called the Exhibition Project?  This is a chance for them to demonstrate what they have learned throughout their years here at Sargeant.  These fifth graders will work independently or in a small group with an adult mentor.  Mentors will meet with their group during the school day approximately four times from December-March.  Mentors do not have to have a child in fifth grade to volunteer, but if they do, they will not mentor their own child's group. Exhibition projects will be on display at Open House and again for the student body to visit.  All mentors will be given a set of questions to use to guide the students from start to finish.  Are you interested in helping with this important project?  Please let us know by emailing one of the 5th grade teachers or Jennifer Danielson, our IB Coordinator. 

Mentor Flyer

Student Council Announcements:

Attention parents of 3rd-5th graders who are involved in the Student Council! Your child brought home a permission slip last week to help at the Student Council fundraiser table during the Harvest Festival. We have already received so many permission slips back from responsible Bulldogs! If your child has not returned their Harvest Festival permission slip yet, please look at the information with them, sign it, and send it back to school with your child by this Friday! 

Here is a link to the permission slip if your child has misplaced theirs: Harvest Festival Permission Slip

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. K or Mrs. Palin!

Mrs. K:

Mrs. Palin:

Coming Soon…

Picture Day Retakes

Picture Retake Day is on Thursday, October 19th. If your child missed picture day or you would like a Retake, please notify your student's teacher.  Only these students will visit the photographer on retake Day. 

Gate Testing

GATE Testing Notification

Gate Testing Notification - Spanish

Community Resources
Learn to Play LaCrosse

Roseville Youth LaCrosse

RHS Presents Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

UCP Despicable Me Movie Night

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