Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sargeant Families Blog - December 7th-11th

Thank you for your support and communication with the office when your child is experiencing symptoms.  Your support is helping us keep kids in school.  

Front Parking Lot Safety 
When pulling out of the front parking lot, please approach with caution as parents and kids are crossing the entrance.  Some people have been pulling out quickly without looking.  We want to make sure everyone stays safe.  Thanks!

Back of the School Safety 
Or staff in the park after school will be asking kids to point out their parents/guardians before heading out to the cars.  This has helped make sure kids aren't just running off into the street.  While you are waiting, please make sure to not park in the crosswalks as kids need to cross the streets and use them.  

Lost and Found
Cold mornings and warm afternoons result in sweatshirts on the playground.  Check out the picture below and if you recognize something, remind your child to grab it tomorrow. 

Sami's Circuit
Last weeks lesson:  Half Full or Half Empty -  Primary and Upper
Check out the links above to access the videos at home. 

Toy Drive
If you want to drop something off, there is a big bin in front of the school. 

Wellness tip for Week of 12/4- Growth Mindset Mantras
Your brain is a muscle and it needs exercise to get strong  just like the rest of your body. Mantras are sayings or phrases that anyone can practice saying or singing to help remember important things. Below are some sayings or mantras that you can say or sing to help grow your brain and remember that you’re working hard, trying new things, you’re brave, and you’re being your best self by trying your very best.

This Week 
Academic Word of the Week - Infer

December 9th - Site Council Meeting 3:30 Virtual 
December 9th - Sami's Circuit Virtual Family Night (click the link to join in on the fun!)
December 10th - Champions Materials Pick Up in Multi 2:00-4:00

** Please don't forget to fill out the Annual Household Eligibility Form by Friday.  Click on the link below.  If you need help, call the office. We will be happy to help! **

Champions Information Only 
Breakfast/Lunch Pick up Monday-Friday from 11:30-1:00 by the gate near the multi. 
December 10th - Champions Materials Pick Up in Multi 2:00-4:00

The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a percept.

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