Saturday, May 27, 2023

May 29th -June 6th - Community Connection


Field Day Fun!  

Many thanks to all of the teachers, volunteers, and Sargeant staff for supporting a fantastic Field Day last week!  A special thanks to Jennifer Wright, our PE teacher, for her organization, planning, and communication that made this event such a success.  Another extra thanks to Susan Lamb,  who made sure that lunch was available to students and families for our outdoor lunch event that followed Field Day!  Thank you all for being part of this exciting day.

Bucket Band 

It was so much fun to watch the Spring Bucket Band performance on Friday night!  The students did an amazing job.  Thank you to Ms. Po for all of her work to connect students to music and performance.

Spirit Wear

Don't end the school year without some new Spirit Wear! Available in the office for purchase. Adult and kid sizes of shirts and hats are available.  

Sargeant this Week (and Next)


May 29th

Memorial Day - No School


May 30th

Snowie King after school


May 31st

Panera PTC Dine Out 6AM-9PM


June 1st

IB Assembly - Gates open to parents at 10:05 AM

Volunteer Ice Cream Social 2:30 PM

Please make sure you sent in your RSVP to your invitation.


June 2nd

Last Day for PE

A school wide picture will be taken on the field.  Please wear Spirit Wear or Bulldog Blue!

Monday, June 5th

Minimum Day (Wednesday Schedule)

Sargeant Yearbook Distribution Day - Please make sure your library books are returned, replaced, or paid for before yearbooks are distributed to ensure that there is not a delay in your child receiving his or her yearbook.

There are many End of Year Class Activities and Celebrations happening around camps- Please see details provided by classroom teachers

Tuesday, June 6th - Last Day of School

Minimum Day (Wednesday Schedule)

Grade Level Colors Day: As a Sargeant last day of school tradition, we have our walk up where each grade level gets to walk to the next grade level's area and we get to celebrate our 5th graders moving on to middle school. For the last day of school walk up, we have colors assigned to each grade level as a spirit dress up day.

June 6th, last day of school

TK/Kindergarten: red

First grade: orange

Second grade: yellow

Third grade: green

Fourth grade: purple

Fifth grade: blue

Last Day of School Celebration

Moving Up Walk  - Celebrating Our 5th Graders

On the last day of school, June 6th at 12:25, we will be celebrating our 5th graders who will be moving on to middle school in our second annual Moving Up Walk.  This is a brief ceremony where all of our students will gather by grade level in a rectangle out on the primary playground.  The 5th graders will walk out to music and walk around the other students as we cheer them on and celebrate them as they say good-bye to elementary school.  They will end in the center of all the students and then each grade level will "move up" in line to their next grade level.  5th grade parents are welcome to attend to cheer for your child.  

12:52 Release time- report cards are emailed home

Summer Reading Book Corner

The Book Corner
This week we want to share a great way to keep your kids reading over the summer.  You can go to the Sora online to have your child check out audiobooks or ebooks.  This is a collaboration between our district and the public library and it's free with student log in.  Here are the steps:
1. Go to Sora
2. Search for Roseville City School District (NOT Sargeant)
3. Sign in with your child's email address:
If your child has their Clever Badge, they can simply go to the Sora through the Clever  found on the district website!

Also, the public library and Barnes & Noble are doing reading challenges this summer.  Attached is information about those programs.

Community Resources:

May 27th-30th - Community Connection Blog

  May 27th-30th Minimum days this week.   TK Dismissal: 12:47 PM Kindergarten Dismissal: 12:42 PM 1st - 5th Grade Dismissal: 12:52 Monday, M...